The TAR SIG has some travel award funds available to help defray the costs of registering for, traveling to, and presenting or chairing for a TAR SIG session or roundtable at AERA's 2024 Annual Meeting.
2024 TAR SIG Travel Award Eligibility Criteria:
If you meet the above criteria: Please click on this link to complete and submit your request for a TAR SIG travel grant:
Grants of up to $200 per teacher will be allocated on a rolling basis until TAR SIG travel grant funds are depleted. Travel Award checks will be distributed to recipients in person (registration badge required) at the 2024 Annual Meeting Headquarters Office in Philadelphia, PA.
If you are a Chair or Discussant: Please consider forwarding this to any TAR-SIG PK-12 teacher / presenters you know who are part of this year's TAR-SIG Program.
We look forward to receiving all requests by 11:59 pm CST on 1/30/24.
The Teacher As Researcher SIG has recorded this webinar with important information on preparing your proposals.
For more information, see this flyer.