Research on Evaluation SIG 90
Research on Evaluation SIG 90
SIG Purpose
To create a community of researchers and practitioners interested in research on, dissemination of, and applications of evaluation theory and evaluation methods.

Please follow us on Twitter for more resources and news!

Message from SIG Chair

Welcome to the Research on Evaluation (RoE) SIG website! We are pleased to represent and serve the AERA community specifically in terms of issues related to evaluation theory, methods, and practices Read More 

The Research on Evaluation (RoE) SIG sponsors an annual Research on Evaluation Distinguished Scholar Award. This award seeks to recognize an individual whose cumulative body of work attends to and advances theory or methods within the field of evaluation. Learn More 
Key Initiatives
  • Expand RoE service to members through social media
  • Develop outreach to graduate students
  • Promote collaboration with organizations nationally and internationally
    See All Initiatives