School-University Partnership Research SIG 79
School-University Partnership Research SIG 79
SIG Purpose

The purpose of the School-University Partnership Research SIG (SUPR SIG) is to provide individuals engaged in research about School-University Partners with a forum for discussion and a space for mutual support.  The SUPR SIG encourages thoughtful and rigorous research which emanates from a variety of theoretical perspectives and utilizes many different investigative approaches and methods, while remaining faithful to the core principles of the SUP movement influenced by the Holmes group in the 1980’s (Holmes Group, 1986, 1990), the National Network for Educational Renewal, and the Research Practice Partnership movement.  The SUPR SIG facilitates and encourages opportunities for inquiry, reflection, critique and collaboration among school-university partnerships representing all levels of the educational process and from all types of institutions and settings committed to improving PK-12 and Higher Education Educator Development.

Message from SIG Chair


Dear SUPR SIG members,

This fall marks the first full year of the SIG's transition from the Professional Development School SIG to the School-University Partnership Research SIG. The transition began over three years ago under the leadership of past chairs Joe Feinberg, Melissa Baker, and Diane Yendol-Hoppy. 

Our collective efforts have laid a strong foundation for building and expanding the SUPR SIG membership this year. We invite any researcher interested in developing school-university partnerships to join us as we seek to enhance educational outcomes through evidence-based research and foster collaboration between K-12 schools and higher education institutions.   

This year, we are excited to introduce new, innovative programming for the SIG quarterly. These initiatives are designed to develop and maintain research connections throughout the year, providing valuable opportunities for learning and collaboration. For instance, this summer, Jori Beck moderated a school-university panel discussion, and this fall, Morgan Faison will lead a session on the Holmes Scholars program. I invite you all to participate in these exciting and enriching programs.

As always, the SUPR SIG is committed to:

  1. Knowledge integration: Combining university research with practical insights and needs of K-12 schools with a commitment to bridging the gap between theory and practice.
  2. Strengthening Educator Preparation and Development:  Providing a blend of research-based learning and application/experience, developing knowledgeable and adaptable educators.
  3. Enhancing Pk-12 Student Learning: Resources that strengthen learning and foster growth and development are shared through school-university collaborations.
  4. Sharing Resources:  Collaboratively identify and apply for funding opportunities and research projects to identify and share resources through school-university partnerships unavailable to institutions operating in isolation.

The SIG leadership continuously seeks to support and expand school-university research.  A National Collaborative Research Agenda for Professional Development Schools and Similar School-University Partnerships, with support from an AERA conference grant, was published in 2023, with over 57 school-university scholars participating in the conference over two-years.  This document was developed by many of the scholars who participated in the conference. Additionally, the same scholars contributed chapters in the recently published Advancing School-University Partnerships and Professional Development Schools through National Research:  Revitalized Perspectives for Social Justice, Equity, Growth, and Inclusivity, published by Routledge in 2024.  A third volume to be published this spring is the Handbook of School-University Partnerships by Cambridge Press.  These three collaborative publications continue to move school-university research forward!  

I invite you to engage with the SUPR SIG membership this spring at the AERA conference in Denver, CO to explore and expand the meaningful work that we all do.

I look forward to seeing you this spring.


Susan Ogletree



Who We Are


Susan L. Ogletree| Chair (2024-25)| College of Education and Human Development| Georgia State University|

Diane Yendol-Hoppey | Past Chair (2024-25)|College of Education & Human Services | University of North Florida |

Jori Beck |Chair Elect (2024-25) |  Darden College of Education & Professional Studies | Old Dominion University |

Morgan Faison |Secretary | Treasurer (2023-2025 |  Mary Frances Early College of Education | University of Georgia |

Cathy Anne Rosenberg Brant |*Program Chair (2022-2025) |  College of Education | Rowan University |

Melissa Baker |Program Chair Elect (2024-2026) |  College of Education | University of South Carolina |

*Program Chair is a three-year, one-time term that overlaps with the new program chair.  


The SIG has two ongoing committees: the Awards Committee and the Graduate Student Seminar Committee. Additional committees or task forces are convened as needed. For more information about current committees and the opportunity to serve, please contact the Chair.

Structure & Government 

The operations of the SIG are governed by a set of by-laws, revised by the executive committee, with input from the membership, in 2019-2020 and ratified by a membership vote. The by-laws are linked here. learn more







Professional Development School (PDS) Research Dissertation Scholar Award

Sponsored by the PDS Research SIG of the American Educational Research Association (AERA)

To encourage dissertation research in P-12 educational settings on important problems of practice, professional development, and student outcomes in PDS settings. To provide support to doctoral student researchers who have or are conducting dissertation research on some aspect of PDS efforts. The winner of this award will be introduced to the AERA PDS Research SIG community and will share her/his research at the SIG’s business meeting at the upcoming AERA Annual Meeting, and, if her/his proposal has also been accepted for presentation at the Annual Meeting, in a separately scheduled session that will be advertised to the PDS Research SIG membership.

Who may apply?
Doctoral students who are engaged in dissertation research that focuses on PDS issues may apply for this award. The applicant must be involved with the PDS-focused research/inquiry project from the inception to the presentation of the findings. At the time of the annual conference, the applicant must not be more than one year past the date of receipt of his/her doctoral degree.  Applicants who have not yet graduated are also eligible to apply if data collection and analysis stages of the dissertation work is completed so that there are results to share.  If accepted, the awardee is expected to attend AERA, and to present the research at the PDS Research SIG business meeting and, if a proposal has been accepted for presentation at the 2020 AERA Annual Meeting, in a separately scheduled session. The applicant must be a member of the PDS Research SIG.

Selection Criteria:
Successful applications clearly (a) demonstrate the potential to make a contribution to the scholarship surrounding professional development schools work, (b) represent scholarship/research situated in a PDS setting that is at any stage of development, and (c) demonstrate the potential for building the foundation of a sustained program of research and inquiry on PDS efforts. All applications will be reviewed by the PDS Research SIG Awards Committee.

To apply for the Professional Development School Research Dissertation Scholar Award, send a description of your research that addresses the three criteria above. The application narrative may not exceed 2000 words. Include the applicant’s name, affiliation, and contact information. Also include a letter of support from the applicant’s dissertation sponsor or committee chair and the applicant’s CV.

All applications must be received by January 7, 2025. Submit your application electronically to Jori Beck


Claudia A. Balach
Teacher Researcher Award
PDS Research SIG of AERA

To encourage collaborative research in P-12 schools between P-12 faculty and administration and college/university faculty and administration on important challenges of practice, professional development, and student outcomes. To provide support to P-12 researcher(s) who will be introduced to the AERA PDS Research SIG community and might present their research at the upcoming Annual Meeting of AERA.

Who May Apply?
P-12 teacher(s) and administrator(s) may apply for this award, in conjunction with their college/university colleagues. The P-12 applicant(s) must be involved with the research/inquiry project from the inception to the presentation of the findings. If accepted, at least one member of the research project must attend the next AERA Annual Meeting and the PDS Research SIG’s Business Meeting to receive the award. All other members are encouraged to attend the next AERA Annual Meeting and the PDS Research SIG’s Business Meeting. At least one member of the collaborative research project must be an AERA PDSR SIG member.

Selection Criteria
Successful applications will clearly demonstrate adherence to the three criteria: (a) significant contributions to the research by both the P-12 and college/university collaborators, (b) investigation of issue(s) that impact student outcomes and/or teacher professional development, and (c) an ongoing interest in teachers as researchers. All applications will be reviewed by the PDS Research SIG Awards Committee.

To apply for the Claudia A. Balach Teacher Researcher Award, complete the attached application and send a description of your research that addresses the three criteria above. The application narrative may not exceed 2000 words. Include the names, affiliations, and contact information for all researchers/authors.

All applications must be received by January 7, 2025

Submit your applications electronically to Jori Beck

Please NOTE
This is a separate submission from the regular online AERA proposal submissions process and portal. If applicants hope to present their studies at the AERA Annual Meeting, proposals for these studies must be submitted through the regular online AERA submissions process following the published AERA guidelines and Annual Meeting submission deadline.


Application for the Claudia A. Balach Teacher Researcher Award

Sponsored by the PDS Research SIG of the American Educational Research Association (AERA)

Title of Submission _________________________________________________________

Corresponding Researcher/Author ______________________________________________

Affiliation _______________________________________________________________

Mailing Address ___________________________________________________________


Email Address ____________________________________________________________

List full names of all coauthors or researchers and their institutional affiliations:



Role:  College/University faculty or administrator, P-12 school administrator, teacher, intern, other



























Attach a narrative description of the research (not to exceed 2000 words) that clearly addresses the three criteria: (a) significant contributions to the research by both the P-12 and college/university collaborators, (b) investigation of issue(s) that impact student outcomes and/or teacher professional development, and (c) an ongoing interest in teachers as researchers.

All applications for the Claudia A. Balach Award must be received electronically

January 7, 2025.

Submit your application to
