In addition to sharing your scholarship at the annual meeting, SIG 41 invites members to share their work through the following mediums:
IJRSLTE is co-sponsored by the International Center for Service-Learning in Teacher Education, which is housed at Duke University, and SIG 41 of AERA. As an international journal, the articles in IJRSLTE provide a forum for exchanging insights throughout the world. The journal publishes manuscripts that advance scholarship on service-learning in teacher education through descriptions of empirical research, synthesis of research, analysis of policy, or discussion of theoretical positions. Although articles do not focus solely on description of a program, practitioner research is featured. The journal also publishes book reviews.
This book series gathers current research on service-learning and community engagement in K-12 education, teacher education, and higher education. Along with chapters highlighting the findings of service-learning research studies, the volumes in this series include thought pieces that identify theoretical groundings of service-learning and present methodological approaches for studying service-learning (including teacher action research).