Statements and Letters - By Topic
Statements and Letters - By Topic

  •  Data and Statistics  •  ​Diversity and Equity  • Ethics and Human Rights  •
• Federal Policy Letters  •  Graduate Students / Research Workforce  • IES  •  
  •  NIH  •  Non-Tenure Track Faculty  • NSF • Open Access  • Peer Review  •  Research Funding  •  
  •  Research on Gun Violence and School Safety   •  Science Policy   •  Social and Behavioral Science  •  
  •  Reseach and Data Use for Evidence-Based Policymaking   •  Right to Science  •  
 •  Sexual Harassment in the Sciences  •  COVID-19 Response and Recovery  •  Data Sharing •  
 •  Research Security •  

 Data and Statistics

AERA and COPAFS submitted comments on a Request for Information from the White House Office of Science Technology Policy to inform the development of a federal evidence agenda on disability equity. July 15, 2024


AERA submitted comments to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy National Science and Technology Council Subcommittee on Equitable Data responding to a Request for Information on Equitable Data Engagement and Accountability. October 3, 2022


AERA submitted comments to the Department of Education on the proposed revisions to the 2021-22 Civil Rights Data Collection.  February 11, 2022


AERA joined a letter urging Congress to include $350 million in funding to support state and local education data infrastructure as part of a broader infrastructure package.

February 21, 2021


AERA, AAAS, and expert scientists urge the Office of Management and Budget to require amendment of the National Science Foundation’s proposed information collection request related to the 2021 National Survey of College Graduates to allow for inclusion of sexual orientation and gender identity demographic questions. October 25, 2020


AERA signed onto a letter with other partners of the Postsecondary Data Collaborative to the U.S. Department of Education, responding to the Federal Student Aid 2020-24 draft strategic plan.  October 23, 2020 


AERA submitted comments to the Department of Education on the proposed revisions and schedule adjustment for the 2020-21 Civil Rights Data Collection.   August 6, 2020


AERA, the American Statistical Association, former chief statisticians, and former commissioners of the National Center for Education Statistics sent a letter to House and Senate leadership of the Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education appropriations subcommittees with a request of at least a five percent increase in funding for NCES in FY 2021 and the inclusion of provisions to rebuild internal capacity through hiring full-time, permanent staff. March 23, 2020


AERA submitted comments on proposed changes to the 2019-20 Civil Rights Data Collection November 18, 2019


AERA joined 57 organizations on a letter thanking House and Senate appropriators for including language in the final FY 2019 omnibus bill on the proposed relocation of the Department of Agriculture (USDA) Economic Research Service (ERS) outside the DC area and the move of the ERS out of the USDA Research, Education, and Economics mission area. February 1, 2019


AERA signed on to a letter to leaders of the House and Senate appropriations subcommittees on Agriculture, Rural Development, Food and Drug Administration, and Related Agencies to request that FY 2019 funds not be used to relocate the Economic Research Service from the DC area or to realign the office with the Department of Agriculture. November 13, 2018


AERA signed on to a letter to leaders of the House Education and Workforce Committee and the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions to highlight the importance of the duties of the Privacy and Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) at the Department of Education. August 13, 2018


AERA comments on data collection for the 2020 Decennial Census and concerns over addition of a citizenship question  July 31, 2018


AERA signed onto a letter to the governor of Puerto Rico, urging him to keep Puerto Rico’s statistical agency, El Instituto de Estadísticas de Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico Institute of Statistics, PRIS), and its board of directors fully independent. 

May 7, 2018


AERA joined nearly 170 social science, data, and civil and human rights groups in a letter to Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross urging him to reject the Justice Departure’s request for Acting Census Director Ron Jarmin to add a new citizenship question on the 2020 Census. January 10, 2018


AERA signed onto a letter to the U.S. Congress subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations, urging support for the increased funding request for the 2020 Census activities.

November 16, 2017


AERA joined 70 organizations in a letter to House and Senate sponsors to applaud the introduction of the College Transparency Act. May 24, 2017


AERA commented on a proposed extension to the data collection for the National Science Foundation’s Survey of Doctorate Recipients.   May 12, 2017 


AERA submitted a letter to Rep. Paul A. Gosar, expressing concerns about a clause in his proposed legislation H.R. 482, the Local Zoning and Property Rights Protection Act, that would preclude federal agencies from collecting geospatially specific demographic data for housing in federal surveys.

March, 6, 2017


The education research community, led by AERA and the Knowledge Alliance, sent Senator David Vitter (R-LA) a letter signed by more than 1,100 organizations and individuals opposing the Student Privacy Protection Act (S. 1341), a bill he introduced.  June 29, 2015 
AERA urged the Census Bureau to retain a key question in the American Community Survey regarding respondents’ undergraduate degree field. The letter was prompted by a Census Bureau proposal to remove several questions from the ACS, including one on undergraduate degree field.
Read the letter (PDF)
December 29, 2014
AERA sent a letter to the Office of Management and Budget with recommendations for the proposed Statistical Policy Directive on the fundamental responsibilities of federal statistical agencies.
Read the letter (PDF)
July 21, 2014


AERA and 10 research organizations sent a letter to the chair and ranking member of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee urging senators to protect the autonomy, authority, and stature of the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), as it takes up the Strengthening Education Through Research Act (SETRA). 
Read the letter (PDF)
July 9, 2014


AERA sent a letter to the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights about the Civil Rights Data Collection (CRDC), urging them to expand the data elements it collects.
Read the letter (PDF)
January 3, 2014


AERA released a statement on Public Access to Federally Supported R&D Data.
Read the statement (PDF)
May 2013


AERA signed on to a letter with 10 organizations to the Office of Management and Budget to express concerns regarding an amendment to an appropriations bill that would prohibit the Bureau of Reclamation and other agencies covered under the legislation from funding surveys in which money is included or provided for the benefit of the responder.
Read the letter (PDF)
June 28, 2012


AERA sent a letter with comments to the National Assessment Governing Board on the National Association of Educational Procurement report Background Questions: An Underused National Resource.
Read the comments (PDF)
April 11, 2012


AERA submitted comments in response to proposed changes to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).
Read the 2011 letter (PDF)
Read the 2008 letter (PDF)
May 23, 2011
May 8, 2008

Diversity and Equity

AERA submitted comments  to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy National Science and Technology Council Subcommittee on Equitable Data responding to a Request for Information on the Federal Evidence Agenda on LGBTQI+ Equity. October 3, 2022


AERA, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics, Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences, and Consortium of Social Science Associations joined Jonathan Freeman, Columbia University, on comments urging the inclusion of sexual orientation and gender identity indicators on National Science Foundation surveys in response to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy National Science and Technology Council Subcommittee on Equitable Data  Request for Information on the Federal Evidence Agenda on LGBTQI+ Equity. October 3, 2022


AERA submitted comments in response to the Department of Education Request for Information on Regarding the Nondiscriminatory Administration of School Discipline, highlighting recent research and data needs.

July 24, 2021


AERA submitted comments on the Request for Information from the Office of Management and Budget on Methods and Leading Practices for Advancing Equity and Support for Underserved Communities through Government.
July 6, 2021


AERA signed a multisociety letter urging the White House to rescind the OMB Sept. 4 memo and Sept. 22 Executive Order that eliminate federal employee training programs related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. October 7, 2020


AERA and the National Academy of Education released a statement responding to Trump administration efforts to ban use of the 1619 Project by those teaching about race in U.S. schools; to dictate what training about race, diversity, or equality federal agencies can include; and to investigate Princeton University based on the contention that the university’s intention to reconsider its own potential biases or patterns of systemic racism means that prior assurances of non-bias constituted false statements. September 24, 2020


AERA joins with more than 70 scientific organizations to support Rep. Eddie Bernice Johnson's (D-TX) call for the National Academies to assess the influence of systemic racism in academia and identify strategies for change. September 1, 2020


Ethics and Human Rights

AERA signed onto a letter urging Greek authorities to halt the legal proceedings against Andreas Georgiou, the former president of the Hellenic Statistical Authority.

January 10, 2018


AERA, ICPSR, and COSSA submitted comments in response to a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking with proposed revisions on the Common Rule, which governs federal policy for the protection of human subjects in research.  January 6, 2016 


AERA signed on to a letter alongside 10 other U.S. science and engineering organizations to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Senator Robert Menendez expressing support for the ratification of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities that recently passed the
Senate Foreign Relations Committee. 
Read the letter (PDF)
September 10, 2014


AERA Council endorsed the Singapore Statement providing global guidance for the responsible conduct of research, covering 14 responsibilities and four general principles: honesty in all aspects of research, accountability in the conduct of research, professional courtesy and fairness in working with others, and good stewardship of research on behalf of others.
Read the statement (PDF)
February 2, 2014

Federal Policy Letters

AERA submitted comments on proposed revisions to the Department of Education’s General Administrative Regulations and Related Regulatory Provisions. February 26, 2024


AERA provided comment to the Department of Education on the implementation of Executive Order 13781 – Comprehensive Plan for Reorganizing the Executive Branch. August 4, 2017


AERA submitted comments on the Department of Education's request for issues to consider for regulations and guidance for implementing the Every Student Succeeds Act.  January 21, 2016


AERA sent a letter to the Department of Education (DOE) Acting Deputy Secretary Jim Shelton commenting on the public draft of the DOE's Strategic Plan for FY 2014-2018.
Read the letter (PDF)
October 4, 2013

Graduate Students / Research Workforce

AERA urges rescission of proposed rule that would impose time limits on international student visas in comments submitted to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau.

October 26, 2020


AERA sent a letter to the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee urging and supporting the confirmation of Dr. Adam Gamoran to serve as the next director of the Institute of Education Sciences. September 30, 2024


AERA provided comments to the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee in response to a Request for Input on reauthorization of the Education Sciences Reform Act from Chair Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Ranking Member Bill Cassidy (R-LA). April 19, 2023


AERA provided comments in response to the Request for Information from the Institute of Education Sciences on topics to address through the National Center for Education Research’s Research and Development Centers.

March 6, 2023


AERA submitted comments on the Proposed Priorities for the Institute of Education Sciences. May 28, 2019


AERA wrote a letter to the chair and ranking member of the Senate HELP Committee urging a quick confirmation of Mark Schneider to serve as IES director. January 30, 2018


AERA wrote a letter to the White House Presidential Personnel Office to express support for the appointment of Mark Schneider to serve as IES Director and to urge appointments of members to the National Board of Education Sciences. December 5, 2017


AERA joined 13 organizations on a letter to leaders on the House Education and Workforce Committee and the Senate HELP Committee recommending an ESRA reauthorization that updates the SLDS program to expressly support and encourage linking early childhood data systems. December 1, 2017


AERA submitted a response to the Institute of Education Sciences' invitation for public comment on two of its five research goals—Efficacy and Replication (Goal 3), and Effectiveness (Goal 4).  October 2, 2017 


More than 85 organizations and 1,800 individuals signed a letter from the broad research community led by AERA and the Learning and Education Academic Research Network Coalition urging Congress to provide essential funding for IES in FY 2017 appropriations. October 25, 2016 


The Friends of IES sent a letter to House Appropriations Committee leaders urging a 5.2 percent increase in funding for IES in FY 2016
Read the letter (PDF) 
November 3, 2015 


The Friends of IES joins the Task Force for Innovation and 10 science coalitions in calling on House and Senate appropriators to increase federal research funding by 5.2 percent in FY 2016
Read the letter (PDF) 
November 2, 2015 


More than 75 organizations and 1,700 individuals signed a letter from the broad research community led by AERA and the Learning and Education Academic Research Network opposing proposed cuts to IES in the House FY 2016 Labor-HHS appropriations bill. 

September 10, 2015 

On June 23, the Friends of IES, of which AERA is a leading member, sent a letter to the House Appropriations Committee expressing concerns about the allocation for the Institute of Education Sciences in the FY 2016 Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies appropriations bill.
Read the letter (PDF) 
June 23, 2015 


AERA signed on to Friends of IES Letters for both the House and the Senate on FY 2016 IES Appropriations: March 6, 2015

AERA submitted comments in response to a request for information from the National Center for Education Research and the National Center for Special Education Research on future priorities and characteristics of its funded research.
Read the letter (PDF)
October 31, 2014


AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine issued a statement on the vote to advance the IES reauthorization bill out of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions.
Read the statement (PDF)
September 17, 2014


AERA released a report with recommendations for the reauthorization of the Institute of Education Sciences. 
Read the release (PDF)
Read the report (PDF)
April 10, 2011


AERA submitted comments in response to a Request for Information (RFI) on the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Strategic Plan 2025. October 11, 2024


AERA submitted comments  on the Draft National Institutes of Health Data Management and Sharing Plan and accompanying draft supplemental guidance. January 10, 2020


AERA signed on to a letter to the National Institutes of Health in response to a request for information on registration and reporting requirements for NIH-funded basic science studies involving human participants. November 10, 2018


AERA joined 25 organizations on a letter to Francis Collins, Director of the National Institutes of Health, regarding the implementation of the expanded definition of clinical trials.  October 27, 2017 


AERA submitted comments in response to a Request for Information from the National Institutes of Health’s Office of Behavioral and Social Science Research on the development of its FY 2016-2020 strategic plan.  November 20, 2015 

Non-Tenure Track Faculty

AERA sent a letter of support to Congressman George Miller for his efforts to gather information on the working conditions of non-tenure-track faculty; AERA included the November 2014 report on Non-Tenure-Track Faculty in U.S. Universities.
Read the letter (PDF)
Read the report (PDF)
December 11, 2013


AERA submitted comments in response to the National Science Foundation Request for Information on the agency’s Public Access Plan 2.0. January 19, 2024


AERA provided comments in response to the Request for Information (RFI) on Developing a Roadmap for the Directorate for Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships at the National Science Foundation. July 27, 2023


AERA, AAAS, and expert scientists sent a letter to the National Science Foundation, urging the inclusion of questions on sexual orientation and gender identity in STEM fields on the 2021 National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG) and other future surveys.

June 29, 2020


AERA signed onto a letter with other members of the Coalition for National Science Funding, supporting the nomination of Dr. Sethuraman "Panch" Panchanathan to become the Director of the National Science Foundation.   June 15, 2020


AERA provided comments in a letter to the House Science Committee in response to a request for input on items for a future COVID-19 -stimulus package. April 13, 2020


AERA joined 17 scientific organizations and higher education groups on a letter urging the National Science Foundation to include measures related to sexual orientation and gender identity on the 2019 Survey of Doctorate Recipients. October 8, 2018


AERA signed on to a letter to urge the National Science Foundation to include measures related to sexual orientation and gender identity on the 2019 National Survey of College Graduates.  August 13, 2018


AERA submitted a letter to the National Science Foundation on its proposed Reporting Requirements Regarding Findings of Sexual Harassment, Other Forms of Harassment, or Sexual Assault and the implementation of the policy. May 4, 2018


NDD United letter urging support of the Balanced Budget Act of 2015
Read the letter (PDF) 
October 27, 2015 


AERA submitted comments in response to questions posed by Senators Cory Gardner (R-CO) and Gary Peters (D-MI) regarding “Maximizing the Impact of Basic Research” in the reauthorization of the America COMPETES Act.  August 21, 2015 


AERA, along with more than 250 industry, higher education, scientific, and engineering organizations, have signed on to a call to action titled “Innovation: An American Imperative,” which urges Congress to enact policies and make investments that ensure the United States remains the global innovation leader. 

 July, 2015


AERA sent a letter to the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology to oppose H.R. 1806, the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2015.  April 21, 2015 


AERA released a statement on the June 2013 National Science Foundation (NSF) research rules requiring NSF to fund only political science research that is shown to advance “the national security or the economic interests of the United States.”
Read the statement
June 11, 2013


AERA signed on to a letter with members of the Coalition for National Science Funding to House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith to express concerns about recent Congressional actions that call into question the National Science Foundation’s merit review process.
Read the letter (PDF)

May 20, 2013


AERA signed on to a letter from members of the Coalition for National Science Funding to Rep. Larry Bucshon and Rep. Lamar Smith to express concerns about the proposed FIRST Act.
Read the letter (PDF)
March 12, 2014


AERA signed on to a letter from the Coalition for National Science Funding to House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith to comment on a discussion draft of the FIRST Act.
Read the letter (PDF)
December 19, 2013
AERA signed on to the Guiding Principles for the America COMPETES Act Reauthorization.
Read the Principles (PDF)
April 2013

Open Access

AERA submitted comments in response to the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) request for information on Public Access to Peer-Reviewed Scholarly Publications, Data and Code Resulting From Federally Funded Research.  May 6, 2020


AERA joined a coalition of 60 scientific organizations on a letter urging stakeholder involvement in response to potential changes to the federal government's open access policy. December 18, 2019


AERA released a statement on Public Access to Federally Supported R&D Publications
Read the statement (PDF)
May 2013

AERA responds to Request for Information (RFI): “Public Access to Peer‐Reviewed Scholarly Publications Resulting from Federally Funded Research,” from the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP).
Read the response (PDF)
January 12, 2012

AERA responds to Request for Information (RFI): “Public Access to Digital Data Resulting from Federally Funded Scientific Research,” from the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP).
Read the response (PDF)
January 12, 2012

Peer Review

AERA signed on to a letter from members of the Coalition to Promote Research (part of the Consortium of Social Science Associations) to Congress, urging the protection of the National Institute of Health's rigorous peer-review process.
Read the letter (PDF)
December 2, 2014

Research Funding

AERA joined 162 organizations in signing an intersociety letter calling on Congress to complete FY 2020 appropriations. December 4, 2019


AERA joined scientific associations and higher education groups on a letter to the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee urging committee members to make graduate student aid a priority in the reauthorization of the Higher Education Act. July 17, 2019


AERA joined NDD United in letter calling for a bipartisan agreement to raise budget caps for FY 2020 and 2021. April 2, 2019


AERA joined more than 50 scientific organizations in a letter urging congressional leaders to prioritize federal research investments, raise the budgetary caps imposed on the discretionary budget and provide sustainable and robust investments for federal research in fiscal year 2020. April, 2019


AERA signed onto a letter to the House and Senate Appropriations Committee urging a higher fiscal year 2018 302(b) subcommittee allocation for the Departments of Labor, Health, and Human Services, and Education.

May 8, 2017


AERA signed onto a multisociety letter to congressional leaders, urging swift completion of the FY 2017 appropriations process with robust investments in scientific research.

April 10, 2017


AERA submitted testimony on the Institute of Education Sciences to the Senate LHHS Subcommittee.  June 2, 2017 


AERA submitted comments in response to questions posed by Senators Cory Gardner (R-CO) and Gary Peters (D-MI) on how STEM education and research commercialization should be addressed in the reauthorization of the America COMPETES Act.  October 30, 2015 


Committee for Education Funding letter to House members urging support of the Balanced Budget Act of 2015
Read the letter (PDF) 
October 28, 2015 

AERA signed on to a letter from the Coalition for National Science Funding urging Congress to appropriate $7.7 billion for the National Science Foundation (NSF) in fiscal year 2016 (FY16).
Read the letter (PDF)
March 5, 2015

AERA signed on to a letter from NDD United urging lawmakers to act quickly to stop sequestration. 
Read the letter (PDF)
February 18, 2015

AERA signed on to a statement from the Committee on Education Funding applauding the President's FY 2016 Budget  for prioritizing an investment in education. 
Read the letter (PDF)

February 12, 2015

AERA signed on to a letter from members of the Coalition for National Science Funding to congratulate Representative Culberson on his appointment to Chair the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, Science. 

Read the letter (PDF)
December 2, 2014

AERA signed on to letters from members of the Coalition for National Science Funding and Close the Innovation Deficit to encourage Congress to agree on an omnibus appropriations bill for the remainder of FY 2015. 
Read the CNSF letter (PDF)
Read the Close the Innovation Deficit Letter (PDF)
November 2014

AERA and members of the Friends of IES sent a letter to the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Related Agencies in support of adequate funding for the Institute of Education Sciences for FY 2015.
Read the letter (PDF)
June 18, 2014

AERA signed on to a letter from Nondefense Discretionary (NDD) United, including 470 national organizations, to Congress, urging them to to replace sequestration with a bipartisan, balanced approach to deficit reduction. 
Read the letter (PDF)
December 4, 2013

AERA signed on to a letter from Nondefense Discretionary (NDD) United, including 3,200 national, state, and local organizations, to Congress, urging them to replace sequestration with a bipartisan, balanced approach to deficit reduction.
Read the letter (PDF)
February 11, 2013

AERA signed on to a letter from Nondefense Discretionary (NDD) United, including 3,200 national, state, and local organizations, to Congress, urging a balanced approach to deficit reduction that does not include further cuts to NDD programs.
Read the letter (PDF)
July 12, 2012

AERA signed on to a letter from the Coalition for National Science Funding and organizational members of the social science community to the U.S. Senate urging that funding for the National Science Foundation (NSF) and its political science program be maintained. 
Read the letter (PDF)
June 13, 2012

As part of the Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA), AERA signed on to a letter to Senators urging a vote against amendments that reduce funding or eliminate programs at the National Science Foundation, particularly political science, in the FY 2013 Commerce, Justice, and Science Appropriations bill.
Read the letter (PDF)
May 2012

AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine testified in front of the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce, Justice, and Science regarding FY 2013 appropriations for the National Science Foundation’s Directorate on Education and Human Resources.
Read the testimony (PDF)
Read a summary in AERA Highlights
March 22, 2012

Research on Gun Violence and School Safety

AERA signed on to a letter from the medical and scientific communities urging Congress to provide funding in to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in FY 2017 for research into the causes and prevention of gun violence.   April 6, 2016 

Science Policy

AERA submitted comments in response to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy Request for Information To Improve Federal Scientific Integrity Policies. July 28, 2021


AERA responded to the request for information from the NSTC Committee on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education on STEM education and the implementation of the Federal STEM Education Strategic Plan. October 19, 2020 


AERA submitted comments  in response to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy request for information on the American Research Environment. January 28, 2020


AERA joined several scientific and scholarly organizations in sending a letter of support for Dr. Kelvin Droegemeier’s nomination to lead the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. August 20, 2018


AERA joined a letter sent to OMB Director Mick Mulvaney urging the Trump administration to ensure that the federal government “utilizes science-based decision making in its policy formulations, that scientific information is communicated in an accurate manner, and reflected as such in government documents, reports, and websites.” December 19, 2017


AERA signed on to a community letter urging President Trump to appoint the Director and staff for the Office of Science and Technology Policy. May 25, 2017


AERA signed on to a letter from the scientific community thanking Senate Appropriations Committee members for highlighting the importance of ensuring that federally employed and contracted scientists and engineers are able to attend mission-relevant scientific and technical conferences in the markup of the FY 2016 Financial Services and General Government Appropriations Act.  August 10, 2015 

AERA signed on to a letter from the scientific community thanking Senators Brian Schatz (D-HI) and Chris Coons (D-DE) for introducing an amendment allowing the Office of Management and Budget flexibility to update its 2012 memorandum on conference attendance for government employees.  August 10, 2015 

AERA signed on to a letter from members of the U.S. Science and engineering communities to Chairman Thomas R. Carper and Ranking Member Tom Coburn on the Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Governmental Affairs expressing concern about current and proposed restrictions on the ability of federal and contractor
scientists and engineers to participate in scientific and technical conferences. 
Read the letter (PDF)
July 29, 2014

AERA signed on to a letter from the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) to Congress to express concerns on amendments to the Data Accountability and Transparency Act that would place severe restrictions on government employees’ abilities to attend meetings and conferences.
Read the letter (PDF)
May 21, 2012

AERA sent a letter with comments to the Institute of Education Sciences on the public draft of the Department of Education Scientific Integrity Policy.
Read the comments (PDF)
May 15, 2012

AERA, along with 21 social and behavioral science organizations, submitted a white paper in response to the Advanced Notice for Proposed Rulemaking (ANPRM) on potential revisions to the Common Rule.
Read the white paper (PDF) 
October 26, 2011

AERA signed on to a statement of concern with a coalition of 31 organization to about visa problems for international scholars, an issue harmful to America’s scientific, economic, and security interests. 
Read the statement (PDF)
June 10, 2009

Social and Behavioral Science

AERA signed on to a letter from the American Association for the Advancement of Science and over 50 organizations to Chairman Lamar Smith of the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee on the importance of social and behavioral science research.
Read the letter (PDF)
October 16, 2013

AERA sent letters to members of the Arizona House of Representatives and the Arizona State Senate urging action to restore the teaching of ethnic studies courses in the state. February 22, 2012

Research and Data Use for Evidence-Based Policymaking

AERA submitted comments on the draft practices of the President’s Management Agenda Cross-Agency Priority, Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset. November 16, 2018


AERA comments on the President’s Management Agenda Cross-Agency Priority, Leveraging Data as a Strategic Asset. July 27, 2018


AERA signed on to two letters, one to congressional leadership and one to the Office of Management and Budget, urging Congress and the Administration to support the recommendations issued by the Commission on Evidence-Based Policymaking.   September 19, 2017 


AERA submitted comments in response to a Request for Information from the Commission on Evidence-based Policymaking. December 14, 2016

Right to Science

AERA joined more than 70 scientific organizations in a letter to President Trump expressing concerns over a September 24 White House Executive Order placing restrictions on travel to the United States from three additional countries: Chad, North Korea, and Venezuela.  October 17, 2017 


AERA signed onto a multisociety letter to the State Department, expressing concerns regarding the proposed changes to supplemental questions for visa applicants. 

May 18, 2017


AERA joined other 181 organizations on a letter to President Trump, urging the administration to rescind the January 27, 2017, executive order on visas and immigration.

February 10, 2017

Sexual Harassment in the Sciences

AERA and the American Association for the Advancement of Science led 75 scientific societies in submitting comments on the U.S. Department of Education’s proposed changes to Title IX regulations.
January 30, 2019

COVID-19 Response and Recovery

AERA joined a multisociety letter urging President Biden to champion the Research Investment to Spark the Economy (RISE) Act and include COVID-19 relief for research in future administration proposals. March 24, 2021


AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine testified before the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee on the impact that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on early career scholars and doctoral students, highlighting the need for relief and support for federal agencies supporting he scientific workforce.

February 25, 2021


AERA joins the health and scientific communities in urging the administration to reverse its decision to bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the collection and analysis of COVID-19 patient data July 17, 2020


AERA signed onto a letter to the White House, Department of Homeland Security and Department of State, requesting that plans announced by US Immigration and Customs Enforcement on July 6 to modify the exemption to the Student and Exchange Visitor Program be withdrawn.   July 8, 2020


AERA President Shaun Harper testified before the U.S. House Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce investment on the racial equity implications of reopening college and university campuses in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic.   July 7, 2020


AERA signed onto a letter, thanking Congress for the support in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) ACT and calling for substantial additional funding for higher education in future bills.   June 1, 2020


AERA signed onto a multisociety letter to President Donald J. Trump, urging him to prioritize the immigration of science and technology talent that will spur the scientific breakthroughs and economic growth of the United States that is needed for rapid recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.   May 20, 2020


AERA signed onto a multisociety letter expressing concern about the stigmatization of Asians during the COVID-19 pandemic. April 20, 2020


Data Sharing

AERA submitted comments in response to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy request for comments on the Draft Desirable Characteristics of Repositories for Managing and Sharing Data Resulting From Federally Funded Research.  March 17, 2020


AERA submitted comments  on the Draft National Institutes of Health Data Management and Sharing Plan and accompanying draft supplemental guidance.
January 10, 2020

Research Security

AERA joined 60 scientific societies on a letter to leaders of federal science agencies on addressing foreign influence in federally-funded research.  September 4, 2019