Professional Opportunities & Funding
Professional Opportunities & Funding
2024 Virtual Research Learning Series

The AERA Professional Development and Training Program announced the 2024 AERA Virtual Research Learning Series, which includes four professional development and training courses designed to increase research knowledge and expand research capacity. The courses were held between June 4 and July 2. The courses will be added to the Virtual Research Learning Center at a later date.

PEERS Research Methods Series

The AERA-ICPSR Partnership for Expanding Education Research in STEM (PEERS) Data Hub announces the PEERS Research Methods Series a webinar series of research capacity-building workshops that focus on research methods used in STEM education research. Click here to learn more about the series and view course descriptions.

PEERS STEM Data and Data Use Series

The AERA-ICPSR Partnership for Expanding Education Research in STEM (PEERS) Data Hub Series in STEM Data and Data Use, features workshops that  examine the structure, design, and purpose of multiple data sets that can be analyzed using quantitative, qualitative, and/or multi-method techniques. In these workshops participants can explore diverse forms of designed data, administrative data, and big data that can be used in STEM research. Learn more

AERA Professional Development and Training

AERA builds research capacity among scholars and researchers, and engages in activities that promote knowledge and enhance research skills. AERA introduces undergraduate students to the education research field, provides postdoctoral fellowships that support research experiences in academic and non-academic careers, and helps graduate students and early career scholars develop a research agenda and begin their careers. Read more

Online Job Board
Online Job Board

The AERA Online Job Board is the premier site for education research job opportunities, connecting qualified candidates and hiring employers. Job seekers can search openings, post their resumes, and create job alerts. Employers can post job openings and access resumes.

Virtual Research Learning Center
 AERA Funding Opportunities PD Opportunities Other Fellowship and Funding Opportunities AERA Online Job Board AERA Virtual Research Learning Center AERA Virtual Research Learning Center

The AERA Virtual Research Learning Center (VRLC) is a virtual space for students, early career and advanced scholars, practitioners, and others in the education research community to receive professional development and research capacity building trainings.