Tips for 2024 Annual Meeting Virtual Component Submitters
Deadline for Making Participation Decision: September 8, 2023
For Papers: Submitting author determines whether, if accepted, (1) they can present at the place-based meeting in Philadelphia, (2) they cannot present in Philadelphia but wish to create and have their presentation in the AERA i-Presentation Gallery, or (3) they wish to withdraw their paper from consideration for the 2024 AERA Annual Meeting. Submitting author confers with all authors if a multi-authored paper. Please respond by completing the decision form by Friday, September 8, 2023. (The form should only be completed by submitting authors.)
For Sessions: Session organizer confers with session participants and determines whether, if accepted, (1) they wish to hold the session at the place-based meeting in Philadelphia, or (2) they wish to withdraw the session from consideration for the 2024 AERA Annual Meeting. Please respond by completing the decision form by Friday, September 8, 2023. (The form should only be completed by session organizers.)
As noted in the Call for Submission, presentations of all papers or commentary papers accepted for the AERA Annual Meeting can be included in the AERA i-Presentation Gallery. The Gallery is an excellent way of displaying accepted work and can include recorded overall video or audio narration of the presentation. It also offers accepted presenters the opportunity to communicate through written or video chat functions. All presentations in the Gallery are available during and after the Annual Meeting and receive a digital object identifier (DOI) that serves as a unique citation and also expands searchability and findability.