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Welcome to the first day of the virtual component of the 2023 AERA Annual Meeting! #AERA23 Insider will provide tips on key sessions and events, as well as other Annual Meeting resources and highlights you won’t want to miss.
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Questions? Contact the AERA Meetings team at annualmtg@aera.net or check out the FAQ on the Annual Meeting platform.
Consequential Issues for Educators and Education 11:30 am – 1:00 pm CT
Moderators: Felice J. Levine (American Educational Research Association), Rich Milner (Vanderbilt University); Panelists: Adam Alvarez (Rowan University), Travis J. Bristol (University of California - Berkeley), Gloria J. Ladson-Billings (University of Wisconsin - Madison), Camika Royal (Loyola University Maryland), Russell J. Skiba (Indiana University)
Educators today face an unprecedented set of challenges that are affecting the health and well-being of youth in America and posing major challenges to educational practice and policy. School violence and safety; censorship and attacks on curriculum; and teacher shortages are among the issues pressing our nation’s schools. This interactive forum will give education practitioners and policy leaders an opportunity to learn from scholars, who will share evidence-based and actionable recommendations for navigating these tumultuous times to best serve young people, families, and communities.
Human Variation and How People Learn 1:15 – 2:15 pm CT
Chair: Kenji Hakuta (Stanford University); Participants: Edmund W. Gordon (Teachers College, Columbia University), Carol D. Lee (Northwestern University), Pamela Cantor (Turnaround for Children Inc.), Ezekiel J. Dixon-Roman (Teachers College, Columbia University)
This session proposes a national research agenda and synthesis of research that extend the report of the National Academies report How People Learn II to specifically address implications of educational science to support the design of appropriate and sufficient pedagogical intervention. This would lead to a focus on educational opportunities that are equitable, and not just equal—appropriate and sufficient to the needs and characteristics of the learning process. The need to address this is particularly amplified by the evidence of learning gaps that are becoming increasingly apparent.
Just Research/ers: Resisting Censorship and Mis-Education/Advancing Human Freedom Collectively 2:30 – 4:00 pm CT
Chair: Linda Darling-Hammond (Learning Policy Institute); Discussant: Brian A. Williams (Georgia State University), Presenters: Joyce E. King (Georgia State University), Mosi Deterville-Makori (Sankofa Cultural Institute, New Orleans), Gloria J. Ladson-Billings (University of Wisconsin - Madison), Gloria S. Boutte (University of South Carolina), Max Altman (Southern Education Foundation, Inc.), Natasha K. McClendon (United Negro College Fund)
Education Research Trustworthiness, Justice, and Democracy 4:15 – 5:45 pm CT
Chair: Felice J. Levine (American Educational Research Association); Discussant: Gustavo E. Fischman (Arizona State University); Panelists: Daniela Véliz Calderón (Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile), Elizabeth Macedo (Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro), Pedro Flores-Crespo (Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro), Tyrone C. Howard (University of California - Los Angeles)
Justice ideals, justice-seeking, and persistent and pernicious patterns of injustice are intertwined with attempts to diminish democratic politics across the Americas and the world. This symposium will feature representatives of the national associations of educational researchers of Brazil, Chile, Mexico, and the U.S. to discuss how their organizations are addressing these issues through critical comparative considerations of patterns and possibilities in the Americas. The panelists will examine whether truthfulness and transparency can be protected and matter in educational institutions and settings, especially in higher education environments where knowledge, information, and ideas need to be nurtured and issued free of constraints. This invited virtual symposium is co-sponsored by the Americas Education Research Network.
Ombuds Access Ongoing Through the Virtual Meeting and Beyond
During the virtual component, AERA’s two-person ombuds team—Shannon Lynn Burton, Ph.D., university ombudsperson at Michigan State University, and Carol Mershon, Ph.D., professor of politics at University of Virginia—will be available for video or phone appointments, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. CT, May 4–May 5. The AERA Ombuds is available to Annual Meeting participants from April 13 through June 2. To schedule an appointment with the ombuds, email aeraombuds@gmail.com or call (202) 505-3356.
Visit the i-Presentation Gallery
Posters accepted for poster presentation will be available throughout the virtual meeting in the AERA i-Presentation Gallery. Virtual meeting participants will be able to contact virtual poster authors and set up times to audio or video chat through the Gallery to discuss their papers or their mutual interests in a research arena. Virtual attendees can also reach out through the Gallery to authors of papers presented in poster sessions in Chicago.
Tips for Searching the Online Platform
To enhance your experience when searching the AERA program agenda on the virtual platform and mobile app, please use these tips.
Training Session Recordings Available for Virtual Platform
Those who would like a refresher can watch the May 2 trainings for participants and attendees, as well as a short instructional video about the virtual platform.
Check Out On-Demand Videos from Chicago
Recordings from major and featured sessions are available on the virtual platform under “On-Demand Sessions.” Video recordings of live virtual sessions will also be available on demand within 24 hours after the conclusion of the virtual component and viewable afterward
AERA would like to extend a special thank you to our 2023 sponsors: