Message from SIG Chair
Message from SIG Chair
SIG Chair


The Critical Quantitative Methodologies SIG is a SIG-in-formation, approved by AERA in 2023. Our initial leadership team came together hoping to create space at AERA for people doing critical scholarship using quantitative methodologies. This includes QuantCrit (that is, CRT + quantitative methods), queer quantitative methodologies, decolonizing quantitative methodologies, indigenous statistics, quantitative critical studies of disability, and more. We aim for a diverse set of critical theoretical approaches and quantitative methodologies to proliferate possibilities and connections for liberatory research. We invite you to join us in the SIG to do this work together.

Below is a brief timeline of how our SIG will operate until it is a full, permanent AERA SIG:

  • January 2023: SIG-in-formation petition approved
  • April 2023: Initial business meeting at AERA
  • April 2024: Second business meeting, and first invited paper session
  • May/June 2024: First open call for papers for the 2025 conference
  • Fall 2024: Approval of SIG Bylaws
  • April 2025: First full participation in AERA conference programming
  • Spring 2025: First election under new bylaws
  • 2026: Full approval review by AERA Council

We also regularly send out announcements to the SIG. To submit an announcement, use our Google form.


Kamden Strunk

SIG Chair