Socio-Political Issues in Mathematics and Science Education: SIG 184
Socio-Political Issues in Mathematics and Science Education: SIG 184
SIG Purpose

This SIG focuses on the sociopolitical dimensions of mathematics and science education (e.g., issues of power and difference). Questions our SIG intends to address include: 

  • What are some of the issues of power that play out in science/mathematics and how are they enacted in formal and informal contexts? 
  • How do communities develop agency and resistance in addressing issues in science and mathematics that are relevant to their members? 
  • Who decides what counts as mathematics, science, or mathematics/science education? 
  • How does power influence our ability to even conceive of what is possible or probable within science and mathematics-learning in a variety of global contexts? 

We are particularly interested in work that takes critical approaches to addressing sociopolitical issues of science and mathematics education and that illuminates and centers systemic and structural dimensions of how power is enacted or resisted in education.