
Call for Nominations

The Special Interest Group for Research on Teacher Induction is pleased to call for nominations for two awards, detailed below. These awards aim to recognize authors who are addressing persistent issues of urgent concern to the field and have the potential to influence policy and practice in the area of teacher induction.

Nominees for both awards must be members of AERA and members of the SIG on Research in Teacher Induction. Materials and any questions or inquiries should be sent to Anne Cash at Nominations and supporting materials must be received no later than December 1, 2024; all materials must be submitted electronically.

Research on Teacher Induction Paper of the Year

This award recognizes a final version of a paper of exemplary conceptual, methodological, and literary quality on the important topic of teacher induction that has been submitted and accepted for presentation for the upcoming AERA Annual Meeting or presented at the immediate past AERA Annual Meeting. Research papers submitted must focus on teacher induction, regardless of the field (policy, leadership, evaluation, teacher education).

A paper may be submitted for consideration only once and can be nominated for an award within only one Division or SIG of AERA. The committee uses a blind review process; only the awards committee chair will know the identity of the nominator and nominee. The nominated paper may have been accepted for presentation by any Division or SIG for the upcoming AERA Annual Meeting or presented at any Division or SIG session at the immediate past AERA Annual Meeting.

Papers nominated for the Research on Teacher Induction Paper of the Year Award may not have been previously published or presented (except for being presented at the immediate past AERA Annual Meeting). If after being nominated for this award the paper is subsequently published or presented at another conference prior to the AERA Annual Meeting at which it is scheduled to be presented, the nomination (and paper) should be withdrawn. If the paper being nominated was accepted for presentation in a SIG other than the Research on Teacher Induction SIG, the nomination materials should also include documentation that the paper was accepted for presentation at the upcoming Annual Meeting or was presented at the immediate past Annual Meeting (e.g., a copy of the acceptance email).

Nomination materials should include: (1) a title/abstract sheet showing the research paper title and an abstract of the research (limit 250 words), (2) the paper in its entirety, including references – all written in APA format in 12-point font without author identification (3) a contact information sheet with author’s name, email address, university affiliation, and position.

Self-nominations are encouraged and will be accepted. Nominations must be received no later than December 1 each year; all must be submitted electronically. No nomination letter is required.

Outstanding Dissertation Award in Teacher Induction

The purpose of this award is to promote and recognize rigorous research among new scholars that have the potential to influence policy and practice in the area of teacher induction. Dissertations focused on teacher induction, regardless of the field (policy, leadership, evaluation, teacher education) will be considered for the award. For this year’s award, dissertations completed between May 2022 and January 1, 2025 may be nominated. 

A dissertation may be submitted for consideration only once and can be nominated for an award within only one division or SIG of AERA. The committee uses a blind review process; only the awards committee chair will know the identity of the nominator and nominee.

Authors are encouraged to nominate their own works; nomination by another scholar is unnecessary and it is not considered a substantive advantage. Nomination materials should include: (1) a title sheet showing the dissertation title, awarding institution, members of the dissertation committee, date of completion of the degree, and nominee’s current contact information; (2) the table of contents of the dissertation; and (4) a summary of the dissertation written in an accepted publication format (such as APA) not exceeding 7500 words in 12-point font, exclusive of title page, references, and appendices and without author identification. 

Self-nominations are encouraged and will be accepted. Nominations must be received no later than December 1 each year; all must be submitted electronically.