Currently members of the SIG are involved in a number of on-going research projects dealing with issues of:
• Superintendent Resilience
• Gender Barriers to Achieving the Superintendency
• Case Studies of Successful Superintendencies
Contact our chair for more information about these and other research and publishing opportunities.
We are heading into our second year of the Fireside Chat series that kicked off at AERA 2022 in San Diego with our expert panel. Last year we examined the urban and rural Superintendency With Dr. Tony Watlington of Philadelphia Public Schools and Shane Ogden of Park County School Division in Meteetse Wyoming. This year we are looking to examine topics such as:
• Women in the Superintendency
• Post-Covid: How has the Superintendency Evolved?
• Managing Superintendent Transitions
• Resilience: What is the Reality of Today's Superintendency
Do you have ideas for future Fireside chats? Contact any of our Board members and share your thoughts!