Welcome to the website of the AERA Multiple Linear Regression: The General Linear Model (MLR: GLM) SIG. We are so happy that you stopped by. As you might guess from the name, a primary focus of our SIG is multiple regression and the general linear model. The general linear model serves as the backbone of much of contemporary statistical theory and practice, with models as diverse in application as multiple regression, analysis of variance, factor analysis, and multivariate analysis of variance, to name just a few, all growing from this common root. Our membership boasts many scholars who are very well known in these areas, and who have contributed substantially to research on both of the core ideas, as well as extensions to the general linear model. In addition to the focus on the linear model, our purview has expanded with the growth in predictive models and data mining in the world of statistics. An examination of the program of presentations presented under the aegis of our SIG at the annual meetings of AERA reveal topics including robust regression, logistic regression, classification and regression trees, neural networks, and mixture regression models, along with talks on core theoretical and philosophical ideas around the meaning and interpretation of linear models themselves. In short, we are a vibrant group, with a wide array of interests and research goals. We hope that you’ll consider joining us. Membership is $5 per year, a great bargain, as it includes a subscription to our SIG sponsored journal, Multiple Linear Regression Viewpoints, which publishes high quality peer reviewed manuscripts in the area of the general linear model and beyond. In addition, we host paper and poster sessions at the annual meeting of AERA, and welcome your research proposals.
MLR: GLM SIG Facebook/Meta Discussion Group: click link
Thanks again for stopping by, and please let us know if you have any questions. We are always excited to hear from you.
Multiple Linear Regression: General Linear Model Special Interest Group (SIG #70)