Message from SIG Chair
Message from SIG Chair
SIG Chair

AERA SIG LS Chair Joseph E Michaelis

Michaelis head shot_low res 

The AERA Learning Sciences SIG (SIG-LS) is dedicated to promoting research on the processes of learning and the design of learning experiences. We welcome research from a wide variety of methodological and theoretical perspectives with an emphasis on rich empirical studies that build our understanding of learning across a range of formal and informal contexts. SIG-LS researchers often take a design-based approach that provide a multitude of lenses for studying learning that traverse deep ethnographic explorations of foundational concepts of learning to large-scale evaluations of the impact of learning experience design. A diverse group of researchers from a variety of backgrounds and research traditions make our SIG a truly multidisciplinary place to share and build intellectual ideas. It is my honor to serve as chair of the SIG.







