Educational Statisticians
Educational Statisticians
SIG Purpose
The purpose of the Educational Statisticians SIG is to increase interaction among educational researchers interested in the theory, applications, and teaching of statistics in the social sciences.
Message from the EdStats SIG Chair

Hello Educational Statisticians (EdStats) SIG members!

It's feeling like fall where I live, and that means we are in the midst of planning the 2024 Annual Meeting.  Last year we had three sessions (plus virtual papers) and accepted many of the strong proposals that were submitted. 

However, this year while the SIG had many submissions, the rest of AERA added more submissions than we did -- for a total of 10,869 proposals! Sadly, that we lost a session as they are allocated in proportion to the proposal counts. Nonetheless we will have a strong program and I urge you to attend AND to recruit more members to submit to the SIG so next year we can win back our third session!

As was true last year, the SIG will sponsor the Best Graduate Student Paper Award for papers with first or sole authors who are EdStats SIG studentmembers. That is a great reason for students to join the SIG via the AERA SIG memberships page!

Last, I am planning some exciting virtual sessions on "Careers in quant" following last year's great business meeting. Join up to hear all about them!   

Best regards,

Betsy Becker, Chair, Educational Statisticians SIG

Emeritus Professor of Measurement and Statistics

Florida State University

2024-2025 SIG Officers

Chair: Tracy Sweet

Program chair: Xinya Liang

Webmaster: Audrey J. Leroux 

Newsletter editor: Betsy J. Becker

Member at large: Michael B. Frisby

Member at large: Debbie L. Hahs-Vaughn

Secretary/Treasurer: Yi Feng


AERA Educational Statisticians Graduate Student Best Paper Award


Rationale for Establishing the Award:  The award is designed to encourage graduate students to prepare and present research papers at the annual conference.  

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible, the graduate student must:

  1. Be a current member of the Educational Statisticians SIG.
  2. Be first or sole author on a paper presented at the annual AERA conference (and be listed in the program as presenting author on the paper in either a paper presentation or roundtable session).  The nominee may have faculty or other graduate students as co-authors but, in this case, must be listed as first author on the paper and be presenting the paper.
  3. Upload the full version of the paper to be presented on the AERA portal.




AERA Educational Statisticians Special Interest Group Annual Service Award


The Educational Statisticians SIG is pleased to announce a call for nominations for the Educational Statisticians SIG Annual Service Award.  The Service Award is designed to recognize individuals who have provided exceptional contributions to the field of educational statistics and to the Educational Statisticians SIG.  The award winner will be announced at the AERA Educational Statisticians SIG business meeting. 

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The nominee must have contributed a significant amount of high-quality service to the field of educational statistics and to the Educational Statisticians SIG.
  • The nominee must be a current member of the Educational Statisticians SIG.
  • The nominee must have been a member of the Educational Statisticians SIG for a minimum of five years.

Nominations Must Include the Following Two Items:

  • A letter of nomination from at least one professional colleague who is also an Educational Statisticians SIG member providing evidence of the nominee’s service contribution to the field of educational statistics and to the Educational Statisticians SIG.
  • The nominee’s curriculum vita.

The deadline for nomination submissions is January 31, 2025.  To apply for the 2023 Educational Statisticians SIG Annual Service Award or to receive more information, please contact Tracy Sweet at






Watch the SIG session "Hiring quant scholars in academe"!

Key Initiatives

1. Creating a high quality program for AERA

2. Maintaining contact with members and providing opportunities for members to interact with each other

3. Giving the Ed-Stats SIG annual service award