Consider attending our annual business meeting for an awards reception and panel discussion. Additionally, please join us in celebrating the many wonderful research projects in our sessions carefully curated by our Program Chair. There ar great opportunities for members who are attending AERA including a Networking and Mentorship Arts & Learning SIG event.
See full schedule here
Making the Invisible Visible: Latina Art Teachers Navigating Issues of Oppression in the Workplace, Andrea Allen
Assessing the Perceived Impact of a Local, Community-Engaged Mural Project on Preservice Art Educators, Caitlin Black
Collaborative Feedback Loops: Using Teacher Action Research to Support Practice in Culturally Sustaining Art Pedagogy, Susan McCullough
Aligning With Creative Practices: An Autoethnographic Journey of Critical Incident Moments in Art Classrooms, SoHee Koo
Drama During Storytime Supports Preschooler’s Understanding of Story Character Feeling States, Lauren van Huisstede, et al
Self-Reflection Through Visual Art: Social Emotional Learning Strategy and Application, Ahran Koo, et al.
Sparking Lifelong Relationships With the Arts: Exploring the Origin Stories of Six Arts Education Stakeholders, Stephanie Reid & Jinjing Sun
Art Teacher Education in the Anthropocene: A Collective Case Study of Embodiment and Embeddedness, Joy Bertling, et al
Creative Movement and Yoga Relate to Stress Reduction for Children in Head Start Preschool, Eleanor Brown, et al.
This Is Our Story! Elevating Youth Voices Through Arts-Integrated Teaching, Christine Gonzelez-DeJohn, et al.
Creation of an Arts-Based Prevention Program to Address Youth Mental Health in Schools, Lisa Ramirez, et al.
Flourishing Through Art: Cultivating Perspective-Taking and Social Connection Skills via Visual Art Engagement, Katherine Cotter, et al.
Art, Words, and Existence: Unveiling the Transformative Power of Incarnational Literacy, Csaba Osvath
Drawing as Language: Expanding the Cultural and Linguistic Repertoire of Young Children, Geralyn Schroder Yu
Exploring Arts and STEM Education: A Literature Synthesis, Heather Leary, et al.
Your Art Matters: Perspectives of Arts Integration, John Samuels
‘Make a Wish’: Symbolism and Visual Metaphor in Middle-School Students’ Arts-Based Data Visualizations, Joy Bertling, et al