Since 2004, the Annual Brown Lecture in Education Research has featured prominent scholars examining the crucial role of research in advancing understanding of equality and equity in education.
Brown v. Board of Education and the Democratic Ideals Elise Boddie
Otherwise Qualified: The Untold Story of Brown and Black Educators' Professional Superiority Leslie T. Fenwick
Defending the Color Line: White Supremacy, Opportunity Hoarding, and the Legacy of Brown John B. Diamond
Still Climbing the Hill: Intersectional Reflections on Brown and Beyond Lori Patton Davis
The Segregation Pandemic: Brown as Treatment or Placebo? William F. Tate IV
‘A Shade Less Offensive’: School Integration as Radical Inclusion in the Pursuit of Educational Equity Prudence L. Carter
Disrupting Punitive Practices and Policies: Rac(e)ing Back to Teaching, Teacher Preparation, and Brown H. Richard Milner IV
Re-envisioning Equity Research: Disability Identification Disparities as a Case in Point Alfredo J. Artiles
Public Education and the Social Contract: Restoring the Promise in an Age of Diversity and Division Marta Tienda
So That Any Child May Succeed—Indigenous Pathways Toward Justice and Promise of Brown Teresa L. McCarty
A Long Shadow: The American Pursuit of Political Justice and Education Equality James D. Anderson
A New Civil Rights Agenda for American Education: Creating Opportunity in a Stratified Multiracial Nation Gary Orfield
Original Intent: Black Educators in an Elusive Quest for Justice Vanessa Siddle Walker
Educating Language Minority Students and Affirming Their Equal Rights: Research and Practical Perspectives Kenji Hakuta
Mobilizing Culture, Language, and Educational Practices: Fulfilling the Promises of Mendez and Brown Luis C. Moll
The Brown Legacy and the O’Connor Challenge: Transforming Schools in the Images of Children’s Potential Stephen W. Raudenbush
Lessons Learned and Opportunities Ignored since Brown v. Board of Education: Youth Development and the Myth of a Colorblind Society Margaret Beale Spencer
The Flat Earth and Education: How America's Commitment to Equity Will Determine Our Future Linda Darling-Hammond
Contingencies of Identity and Schooling in a Diverse Society: Toward Reducing Inequality of Outcomes Claude M. Steele
Education, Excellence and Equity: Toward Equitable Access to Excellence in Education Edmund W. Gordon