2021 Annual Meeting Webcasts
2021 Annual Meeting Webcasts

Webcasts from the following 2021 Annual Meeting will be available to watch soon.

Major Addresses and Lectures

Welcome Opening Reception

Presidential Address: Shaun R. Harper

2021 AERA Distinguished Lecture: Sylvia Hurtado

2020 AERA Distinguished Lecture: Vivian L. Gadsden


AERA E.F. Linquist Award (2019) Lecture: Mark R. Wilson


AERA Early Career Award (2019) Lecture: Jeannette Mancilla-Martinez

AERA Social Justice in Education Award (2021) Lecture: David O. Stovall AERA E. F. Lindquist Award (2020) Lecture: Randy E. Bennett
The Federation of Associations in Behavioral and Brain Sciences (FABBS) 2021 Early Career Impact Award: Emily Rauscher The Wallace Foundation Distinguished Lecture (2020): Cecilia Rios-Aguilar
AERA Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award (2019) Address: Robert Slavin AERA Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award (2020) Address: Howard E. Gardner
AERA Early Career Award (2020) Lecture: Lindsay Coleman Page The Wallace Foundation Distinguished Lecture (2021): Cynthia B. Dillard
Installation of Edmund W. Gordon as AERA Honorary President

Closing Ceremony: Presidential Citation and Transition