2019 Annual Meeting Webcasts
2019 Annual Meeting Webcasts

A total of 16 webcasts from the 2019 Annual Meeting are available to watch. Scroll down to view all webcasts.

Major Addresses and Lectures

Opening Plenary

Presidential Address: Amy Stuart Wells

Social Justice in Education Award Lecture: James L. Moore III

The Wallace Foundation Distinguished Lecture: Carla D. O'Connor

Distinguished Contributions to Research in Education Award (2018) Address

Distinguished Lecture: Daniel Gilbert Solorzano


E.F. Lindquist Award (2018) Lecture: "A Bayesian Look at Reliability"

Early Career Award (2018) Lecture: Julie Posselt

Selected Annual Meeting Sessions

"The Future of Education and Education Research" - A Conversation with Karen Marrongelle

Connecting Research to Policy on Capitol Hill - The True Story From Education Research Fellows

Perspectives and Priorities of Foundations Supporting Education Research

Educational Goods: Values-Driven and Evidence-Informed Decision Making

Middle School Student Learning and Middle Childhood Development—Connecting the Two

Civil Rights and Education in the Post-Truth Era

The Promise and Peril of Social Media in a Post-Truth Era

Innovation in Teacher Education: Toward a Critical Reexamination