Professional Development & Training Courses
Professional Development & Training Courses
AERA Announces Professional Development and Training Courses for 2012 Annual Meeting 

Courses Start April 12 

The Professional Development and Training Committee has planned a rich program of extended and mini-courses for the 2012 AERA Annual Meeting in Vancouver. The program was crafted based on consideration of more than 70 submissions and a competitive review process. Professional development courses provide training in specific research methods and skills, cover significant research issues in related disciplines, emphasize specialized areas, address professional development issues, focus on research for the improvement of practice, or examine recent methodological and substantive developments in education research.

The extended courses begin on Thursday, April 12, one day before the start of the Annual Meeting. The mini-courses will be held Saturday through Monday, April 14–16. For further information on these courses, see the AERA website: Direct questions about the professional development and training courses to

Extended Courses

PDC01: An Introduction to Hierarchical Linear Modeling for Educational Researchers

Directors:        D. Betsy McCoach, University of Connecticut

Ann A. O’Connell, Ohio State University

Date:               Thursday, April 12, 9:00 am–5:00 pm

Fee:                 $115

Location:       Vancouver Convention Center, East Room 8 & 15

This course will introduce the fundamentals of hierarchical linear modeling (HLM), focusing on fundamental concepts and practical applications with minimal emphasis on statistical theory. We will present a conceptual overview of HLM and use a school-based example to demonstrate the application of HLM within an organizational framework. Participants will learn how to analyze two-level data using HLM 7, and they will learn to interpret the results of the analyses. Instruction will consist of lectures, demonstrations of the software, and hands-on data analysis opportunities. Participants should bring a laptop equipped with the free student version of HLM (available from and SPSS or other statistical software to analyze the course example data.

PDC02: Creating and Maintaining Successful Education Partnerships

Directors:        Beth R. Giles, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Jack C. Jorgensen, University of Wisconsin

Date:               Thursday, April 12, 9:00 am–5:00 pm

Fee:                 $95

Location: Fairmont Waterfront, Princess Louisa Suite

This course will describe the steps of developing an effective education partnership. The directors will demonstrate examples of successful partnerships from the University of Wisconsin and will trace them from the idea stage through implementation. Problems will be identified and problem-solving strategies will be shared. Participants can have a partnership idea in mind, a partnership in progress, or an interest in developing partnerships and outreach work, and the course directors will help put those ideas into successful partnership frameworks. We will discuss translational research and how to build bridges between university-based research and education stakeholders such as educators and community agencies.

PDC03: Cultivating Action Research: Pre-Service, In-Service, and Graduate Studies

Directors:        Frances O. Rust, University of Pennsylvania

Christopher M. Clark, Arizona State University

Date:               Thursday, April 12, 9:00 am–5:00 pm

Fee:                 $95

Location: Fairmont Waterfront, Waterfront Ballroom A

Cultivating Action Research will assist participants in designing, implementing, and refining action research studies of a planned improvement in their own educational practice. Each participant will leave the workshop having made progress on an action research study plan to be implemented in his or her workplace. This course is suitable for educators and researchers preparing to launch new action research–based programs or improve existing programs, and for veterans of action research who seek a community of practice. Pairs or small teams from the same program are especially welcome. Participants should bring a laptop computer or tablet to access the Internet.

PDC04: Educational Neuroscience: Methods and Applications

Directors:        Stephen R. Campbell, Simon Fraser University

O. Arda Cimen, Simon Fraser University

Kathryn E. Patten, Simon Fraser University

Olga Shipulina, Simon Fraser University

Date:              Thursday, April 12, 10:00 am–7:00 pm

Fee:                $115  

Location: Fairmont Waterfront, MacKenzie 1

This course will introduce methods, applications, and related initiatives and issues, such as outreach and neuroethics, pertaining to educational neuroscience. Methods include acquisition tools such as electroencephalography (EEG); eye-tracking (ET); audiovisual, screen and keyboard capture; data analysis techniques for processing EEG and ET data; and ways of integrating, synchronizing, and interpreting such diverse data sets. These tools will be applied to qualitative and quantitative research in mathematics education and educational psychology. Beginning with the premise that cognition and learning are deeply embodied phenomena, this course will be of particular interest and benefit to new and seasoned educational researchers and administrators potentially seeking to incorporate similar approaches and/or facilities within their own research and institutions.

PDC05: Mixed Data-Analysis Techniques: A Comprehensive Step-by-Step Approach

Directors:        Kathleen M. T. Collins, University of Arkansas

Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, Sam Houston State University

Instructor:       Normand Péladeau, Provalis Research

Dates:             Thursday, April 12, 9:00 am–5:00 pm

                       Friday, April 13, 8:00 am–5:00 pm

Fee:                $135   

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, Waterfront Ballroom C

The purpose of this course is to provide a step-by-step guide for selecting and applying quantitative, qualitative, and mixed data-analytic techniques. This course, for new and seasoned researchers, will provide frameworks and heuristics for selecting and applying data-analytic techniques and validating, interpreting, and reporting results of mixed-research studies. The directors also will provide published examples and illustrate applications of statistical software (e.g., SPSS, SAS), qualitative software (e.g., NVIVO), and mixed research software (e.g., QDA Miner) that integrate a variety of text analysis and statistical techniques. The directors will provide an array of publishing tips and approaches for applying evidence-based standards and guidelines when reporting results and writing mixed-method research articles.

PDC06: More Than a Variable: Race, Research, and Critical Race Theory in Education

Directors:        Thandeka K. Chapman, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee

Adrienne D. Dixson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Dates:             Thursday, April 12, 9:00 am–5:00 pm

                        Friday, April 13, 8:00 am–12:00 noon

Fee:                 $135   

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, Waterfront Ballroom B

This course is designed to engage participants in discussions and activities that focus on Critical Race Theory (CRT) and its use in the larger field of education. Participants will engage in activities and small group discussions that will deepen their knowledge and understanding of CRT and how it might be useful in education research. Vanguard critical race theorists from the fields of legal studies and education will give keynote addresses on specific aspects of CRT. This workshop is most appropriate for participants who have an interest in educational equity, race, and education research. Participants should bring with them a laptop computer and preassigned articles and data sets.

PDC07: Narrative Inquiry in Education Research

Director:         Colette Daiute, City University of New York

Instructor:       Luka Lucic, City University of New York

Philip Kreniske, City University of New York

Date:              Thursday, April 12, 9:00 am–5:00 pm

Fee:                 $115   

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, Cheakamus

This course offers a practical theory-based approach to narrative inquiry, addressing questions of teaching, learning, and development. It will consist of presentations and hands-on modules focusing on narrative research design and narrative analysis. Participants may be beginning or advanced researchers interested in learning about and applying narrative methods in their research. The goals of the course are to define and enact a sociohistorical approach to narrative inquiry with several consistent research design strategies and data analysis tools. The course will also include information about the systematic approach to practice-based research using narratives to mediate interaction and learning across diverse educational contexts. These goals are addressed with examples from prior research and participants’ research projects.

PDC09: New Directions in Qualitative Literacy Research

Directors:        Patricia Enciso, Ohio State University

Anne DiPardo, University of Colorado, Boulder

Kris Gutiérrez, University of Colorado, Boulder

Instructors:      Mollie Blackburn, Ohio State University

Caroline T. Clark, Ohio State University

Lara Handsfield, Illinois State University

Robert Jiménez, Vanderbilt University

Valerie Kinloch, Ohio State University

Joanne Larson, University of Rochester

Carmen L. Medina, Indiana University

Ernest D. Morrell II, Teachers College, Columbia University

Date:              Thursday, April 12, 9:00 am–5:00 pm

Fee:                $95

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, Malaspina

Early career scholars and graduate students will work directly with established literacy researchers on questions and methods that inform qualitative literacy studies in classroom, after-school, community, and transnational contexts. As participants explore the theories and methods that shape their empirical work, they will examine their own research questions and study designs alongside experienced researchers. Literacy experts will lead roundtable discussions. The course will begin with a framing address and conclude with a moderated plenary on the key points and questions raised during the discussions. Participants should be conversant with qualitative approaches to the study of literacy and should bring prepared notes and questions on research in progress.


PDC10: Modeling Mean Structures and Latent Growth Structures Using Structural Equation Modeling

Director:         Gregory R. Hancock, University of Maryland, College Park

Date:               Saturday, April 14, 8:00 am–12:00 noon

Fee:                 $95     

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, MacKenzie 1

This course builds on participants’ introductory knowledge of structural equation modeling (SEM) to address models involving mean structures and those targeting growth within longitudinal designs. Mean structure models allow researchers to assess, among other things, population differences in amounts of latent factors, while latent growth models gauge functional form and individual differences in subjects’ longitudinal trajectories and the determinants thereof. This course will briefly review SEM and then provide a thorough, practical treatment of the two related topics, along with examples of software input/output for analyzing these models. Participants will receive electronic copies of handouts and may bring paper or electronic copies for use during the course.

PDC11: Using NAEP Data on the Web for Educational Policy Research

Directors:        Debbie Kline, ETS; Cathy Trapani, ETS

Emmanuel Sikali, National Center for Education Statistics

Date:               Saturday, April 14, 8:00 am–12:00 noon

Fee:                 $95     

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, MacKenzie 2

This course is for researchers interested in exploring the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) data using the NAEP Data Explorer Web tool. Participants will be guided through an examination of the data, focusing on: (1) student, teacher, and school variables; (2) relationships between student performance and characteristics of students, their teachers, and their schools; and (3) using NAEP data to supplement other education research. The audience will have the opportunity to work independently and share their findings with the group. The course will highlight 2011 math and reading data; 2010 civics, history, and geography data; and the most recent studies of science and writing. The course provides hands-on learning and active participation. A laptop or tablet computer with wireless Internet access is needed.

PDC13: Using the School Attendance Boundary Information System (SABINS)

Directors:        Salvatore Saporito, College of William & Mary

David Van Riper, Minnesota Population Center

Date:               Saturday, April 14, 8:00 am–12:00 noon

Fee:                $50     

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, Waterfront Ballroom B

This course will provide an overview and hands-on experience using the School Attendance Boundary Information System (SABINS). SABINS is a National Science Foundation–funded data product that delineates school attendance areas, tabulates census data for the areas, and links the attendance areas to individual schools in the NCES Common Core of Data. SABINS is a powerful new resource for studying school segregation, residential and school choice, and impact of quality schools on housing markets. Participants will learn how to download SABINS data and use it in a geographic information system (GIS) and statistical package. Participants are required to bring a laptop computer. Additional course information is available at

PDC14: Developing a Competitive Education Research Proposal for NSF’s Division of Research on Learning

Directors:        Gavin Fulmer, National Science Foundation

Janice Earle, National Science Foundation

Celestine Pea, National Science Foundation

Date:               Saturday, April 14, 1:00 pm–5:00 pm

Fee:                This course is by application only and the application deadline has passed.

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, MacKenzie 1

The course is aimed for researchers interested in submitting an education research proposal to the National Science Foundation (NSF) Division of Research on Learning (DRL). The course will focus on characteristics of DRL’s three major research programs: Research and Evaluation in Education, Science and Engineering (REESE); Discovery Research K–12 (DRK–12); and Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER, an NSF-wide initiative). It will include discussion of the contexts of STEM education research in NSF; provide an overview of NSF’s proposal review process and merit review criteria; and examine and discuss cases of competitive proposals. Participants are asked to write a one-page summary of a research idea in advance of the course. Participants will discuss their summary with DRL program officers and other attendees, as well as brief passages from proposals to illustrate strengths and weaknesses in addressing the NSF merit review criteria.

 PDC15: Marginal Mean Weighting Through Stratification: A Generalized Method for Causal Inference

Director:         Guanglei Hong, University of Chicago

Instructors:     Yihua Hong, University of Toronto

Bing Yu, University of Toronto

Rachel Garrett, University of Chicago

Date:              Saturday, April 14, 1:00 pm–5:00 pm

Fee:                 $50

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, MacKenzie 2

The marginal mean weighting through stratification (MMW-S) method is a nonparametric causal inference strategy suitable for evaluating binary treatments and multiple treatments measured on an ordinal or a nominal scale. The MMW-S method overcomes important limitations of other propensity score–based methods. This course will equip participants with preliminary knowledge and skills needed for applying the MMW-S method. The course is designed for evaluation researchers and graduate students. Participants will receive related readings, data examples, and SPSS, SAS, STATA, and R command files for analyzing the data. The instructors will demonstrate in HLM how to apply the MMW-S method to multilevel educational data. Each participant is expected to bring a laptop computer.

PDC16: Postsecondary Transcript Analysis Using the BPS:04/09 and B&B:08, Including an Overview of NCES Postsecondary Surveys

Director:         Sean Simone, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education

Date:               Saturday, April 14, 1:00 pm–5:00 pm

Fee:                 $95     

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, Waterfront Ballroom A

In 2009, NCES completed an ambitious data collection of postsecondary education transcripts as a component in the Beginning Postsecondary Students Longitudinal Study (BPS:04/09) and the Baccalaureate and Beyond Study (B&B:08/09). The purpose of this course is to provide researchers with the information required to conduct their own analysis using transcript data. The training is designed to reduce the learning curve in attempting to analyze voluminous and complex transcript data. Participants will learn about NCES postsecondary sample surveys, components of the transcript study, problems associated with analyzing data with complex survey designs, conducting a basic analysis using variance correction procedures, and creating basic tables, regressions, and logistic regression using NCES’s online PowerStats application. Participants should bring a laptop computer.

PDC17: Using the International Databases From Large-Scale Education Studies for Secondary Analysis

Directors:        Plamen Mirazchiyski, IEA Data Processing and Research Center

Daniel Caro, IEA Data Processing and Research Center

Date:               Saturday, April 14, 1:00 pm–5:00 pm

Fee:                 $50

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, Waterfront Ballroom B

This course will provide an overview of the available international databases for the latest cycles of the studies conducted by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement. These are Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PISA), Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMMS), and International Civic and Citizenship Study (ICCS). The content of the available data and materials in the databases will be reviewed. Studies’ methodological complexities, implications for analysis, and analysis procedures and methods will be presented and discussed in detail. The course provides hands-on training on analyzing TIMMS data using software (provided by the course organizers) that handles all issues related to the analysis of large-scale assessment data. Participants will need a laptop with SPSS 11.0 or higher and a basic working knowledge of statistics.

PDC18: Protection of Human Subjects in Education Research

Directors:        Felice J. Levine, American Educational Research Association

Kimberly Kendziora, American Institutes for Research

Date:              Saturday, April 14, 1:00 pm–5:00 pm

Fee:               $50

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, Cheakamus

This course examines human research protection issues in the design, development, implementation, and review of social science research. It provides education researchers with an understanding of key concepts that inform federal guidelines on human research protection (e.g., consent, privacy and confidentiality, benefits and harms, level of risk) and the tools for assessing best ethical practices in the context of social science research. The course also offers guidance on the preparation of protocols and effective communication with institutional review boards (IRBs). In addressing ethical issues in human research, the course focuses on a breadth of methodological approaches that are used in education research and the social sciences (e.g., surveys, interviews, observations, ethnographies, case studies, laboratory and field experiments, secondary analysis of extant data). Attention is paid to human research protection issues involved in data collection, data use, data protection, data reporting, and data dissemination. The course consists of three major units: understanding key concepts and ethical guidance in human subjects research, putting human research protections into practice in education research, and comprehending the IRB process and the role of review. Building upon research examples, the course examines how to weigh human research protection issues with substantive topics, methods, contexts, and populations under study. A volume of specially prepared readings and background materials is provided, and participants will be asked to complete in advance a brief information form to help structure the course in a way that is responsive to the concerns, interests, and expertise of participants.

PDC19: Communications 201: Enhance Your Skills in Social Media, Presentations, and Media Outreach

Director:         Ronald Dietel, University of California, Los Angeles

Instructor:       Barbara McKenna, Stanford University

Paul Baker, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Date:               Sunday, April 15, 8:00 am–12:00 noon

Fee:                 $95

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, MacKenzie 1

This hands-on course is intended for scholars interested in extending the impact and relevance of their research to audiences beyond the education research community. The course will include exercises, presentations, and instructions on how to develop an action plan. Participants will (1) engage in sample exercises on effective messaging across all media, (2) review popular social media outlets and strategies for using them effectively, (3) practice and improve presentation skills, and (4) learn best practices for approaching the media. Participants should bring a short PowerPoint presentation, a written piece about their research, and a laptop computer.

PDC20: Culturally Grounded Research Approaches With Communities of Color and Immigrant Communities in Urban and Rural Contexts

Directors:        Michelle G. Knight, Teachers College, Columbia University

Ronald Rochon, University of Southern Indiana

Heather Oesterreich, New Mexico State University

Clifton Tanabe, University of Hawaii, Manoa

Instructors:      Vaughn W. M. Watson, Teachers College, Columbia University

Limarys Caraballo, Teachers College, Columbia University

Date:               Sunday, April 15, 8:00 am–12:00 noon

Fee:                 $95     

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, Cheakamus

This course provides graduate students and researchers with opportunities to engage varied notions of “culture” in research with, by, and for communities of color and immigrant communities in urban and rural contexts. Four interactive panels will focus on conducting culturally grounded research with immigrant community-based organizations, Asians, Blacks, Latinos, and Native Americans. One panel explores examples of reciprocity within and across the delineated communities. Participants will prepare for the course by (1) reading two articles and (2) posting a one-page summary of a research idea centering on “culture” to the course website. Laptop computers are encouraged for full participation.

 PDC21: Propensity Score Matching Using R

Director:         Haiyan Bai, University of Central Florida

Instructors:      Wei Pan, University of Cincinnati

Ning Rui, Research for Better Schools

Date:               Sunday, April 15, 8:00 am–12:00 noon

Fee:                 $95

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, Waterfront Ballroom C

This course introduces basic principles of propensity score matching (PSM) and the use of R packages for PSM. It is appropriate for faculty members, graduate students, and applied researchers. Participants will learn how to perform PSM using R packages on national education data. Instructions for downloading R and related packages as well as example data sets will be provided to participants in advance. No prior knowledge of R or PSM is required, but a basic understanding of t-test and logistic regression is desirable. Participants should bring a laptop computer.

PDC22: The High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 and Its Predecessors NELS:88 and ELS:2002

Directors:        Laura LoGerfo, National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education

Kristin Flanagan, American Institutes for Research, ESSI

Date:               Sunday, April 15, 8:00 am–12:00 noon

Fee:                 $50

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, MacKenzie 2

This course introduces researchers to data sets from the secondary longitudinal studies at the Institute of Education Sciences’ National Center for Education Statistics. It focuses primarily on the newest nationally representative longitudinal data set, the High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09). The course will provide overviews of the study design and technical issues, highlights about data pertaining to high school students, information on how the surveys complement each other, and computer demonstrations of software that assists users in preparing data for analyses. Participants should be graduate students, faculty, and researchers with strong statistical backgrounds who seek knowledge about the structure and potential uses of the surveys. The course is designed for researchers who have limited familiarity with the HSLS:09 data.

PDC23: Thinking With Theory in Qualitative Research

Directors:        Sara M. Childers, University of Alabama

Lisa A. Mazzei, Gonzaga University

Mirka Koro-Ljungberg, University of Florida

Instructors:      Stephanie Daza, University of Texas, Arlington

Alecia Youngblood Jackson, Appalachian State University

Jerry Rosiek, University of Oregon

Date:               Monday, April 16, 8:00 am–12:00 noon

Fee:                 $50

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, Waterfront Ballroom A

This course will explore how qualitative researchers “think with theory” to develop theoretically informed methodological frameworks to design, conduct, analyze, and write up qualitative studies. The primary goals of this course are to demonstrate the integration of theory into methodology and discuss how theory enables researchers to respond to ethical dilemmas, data complications, and other problems associated with conducting qualitative research. Instructors will explore the application of six conceptual and theoretical frameworks—deconstruction, Foucauldian analysis, metaphysical novels, new feminist materialism, postcolonial theory, and pragmatism and neopragmatism—in their own projects. Participants are encouraged to bring samples of their research, writing, and grant proposals to serve as sources to “think with theory” and receive feedback from instructors and peers.

PDC24: Causal Inference With Quasi-Experimental Designs: Methods and Applications

Director:         Joseph P. Robinson, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign

Instructor:       Allison Atteberry, University of Virginia

Date:              Monday, April 16, 8:00 am–12:00 noon

Fee:               $50

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, MacKenzie 1

This course will introduce participants to quasi-experimental designs that can afford causal inferences when using nonexperimental data. Methods discussed will include instrumental variables estimation, matching techniques, and regression discontinuity designs. For each method, the director or instructor will discuss the assumptions required for causal inference, as well as how to assess the plausibility of the assumptions. Examples for each method will be given. There will be opportunities for participants to gain hands-on experience with implementing the methods through computer-based exercises. Participants are encouraged to bring a laptop computer, loaded with Stata, and have familiarity with using Stata.

PDC25: Accessing and Analyzing National Databases to Conduct Mixed-Methods Research in Secondary and Higher Education

Director:         Terrell Strayhorn, Ohio State University

Instructor:      Tonya Saddler, Marywood University

Date:              Monday, April 16, 8:00 am–12:00 noon

Fee:               $95     

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, Cheakamus

This course will provide graduate students and early career researchers with instruction on how to access and analyze national databases, construct theoretical frameworks, and design mixed-methods studies in secondary and postsecondary education. This course is designed to be interactive and will consist of hands-on activities, group dialogue, teamwork, and independent exercises. Participants will be trained on accessing and analyzing data sets such as the National Educational Longitudinal Study (NELS), High School and Beyond (HS&B), and Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS). The course discussions will focus on technical issues associated with analyzing survey data as well as techniques for using qualitative data in mixed-methods studies. Participants should bring a laptop computer with SPSS or SAS already installed.

PDC26: How to Get Published: Guidance From Emerging and Senior Scholars

Director:         Patricia A. Alexander, University of Maryland, College Park

Instructors:      Patricia B. Elmore, Southern Illinois University

Jeffrey A. Greene, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Emily M. Grossnickle, University of Maryland, College Park

Gregory R. Hancock, University of Maryland, College Park

Panayiota Kendeou, Neapolis University Pafos

Alexandra List, University of Maryland, College Park

Sandra Michelle Loughlin, University of Maryland, College Park

Sofie Loyens, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands

Matthew T. McCrudden, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand

Diane L. Schallert, University of Texas, Austin

Date:              Monday, April 16, 8:00 am–12:00 noon

Fee:               $50

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, Waterfront Ballroom C

This course will provide graduate students and early-career faculty with critical information about how to publish. The course will feature two panels: emerging scholars who have learned how to navigate the complex and demanding publication process successfully, and senior scholars who have acquired expertise in foundational aspects of publication. The course will present an overview of the publishing process, from conceptualizing studies to preparing well-crafted manuscripts and from submission through review and resubmission. Question-and-answer sessions will follow both presentations, by the emerging scholars and the senior scholars. Each participant will be provided with materials, including handouts, work samples, and correspondence that elaborate the important points shared during the session.

PDC27: Introduction to Latent Class Analysis and Finite Mixture Modeling in Mplus

Directors:        Karen Nylund-Gibson, University of California, Santa Barbara

Katherine Masyn, Harvard University

Date:              Monday, April 16, 1:00 pm–5:00 pm

Fee:               $95

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, MacKenzie 1

This course will provide an in-depth introduction to contemporary latent class analysis (LCA) and finite mixture modeling techniques. In brief, with LCA the relationships among a set of observed/manifest variables are captured by an underlying categorical latent variable (latent class variable). Essentially, the categories of the latent class variable represent typologies or profiles based on the clustering of individual response patterns across the observed items. In this course, the statistical concepts and model-building techniques will be illustrated with real data examples alongside the details of implementation in the Mplus V6.11 software. Prior experience with multiple linear regression is required, and experience with logistic regression and structural equation modeling would be advantageous, but not necessary.

PDC28: Researching Multiliteracies in Urban Classrooms and Out-of-School Contexts

Directors:        Dana Walker, University of Northern Colorado

Deborah Romero, University of Northern Colorado

Instructor:       Jennifer Douglas-Larsson, Boulder High School

Date:               Monday, April 16, 1:00 pm–5:00 pm

Fee:                 $50

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, MacKenzie 2

Whereas well-resourced schools in a growing number of countries are adopting innovative technologies and new literacy pedagogies, underresourced urban schools in the United States have been slow in taking up these innovations. Why is this? What can be done to make technological and pedagogical innovation more equitably distributed across rich and poor schools? This course explores the challenges and promise of university school–community collaborations that promote pedagogy of multiliteracies in diverse classrooms and out-of-school contexts. Participants will be introduced to two analytical approaches that have been used to investigate the implementation of multiliteracies pedagogies among diverse students, and will engage in initial qualitative analyses to examine how pedagogical framings and new literacy practices are introduced, taken up, or transformed in local contexts.

PDC29: To Know Is Not Enough: Applied Autoethnography in Research and Teaching

Directors:        Sherick Hughes, University of Maryland, College Park

Julie Pennington, University of Nevada, Reno

Date:               Monday, April 16, 1:00 pm–5:00 pm

Fee:                 $50     

Location:         Fairmont Waterfront, Waterfront Ballroom A

This course will provide information to early career scholars and researchers on how to apply autoethnography to address race, class, gender, and religion with a critically reflexive lens upon research and teaching. This course will target qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods researchers longing for alternatives for teaching against “othering,” while teaching “others,” teaching about “others,” and teaching as “others.” To know about autoethnography and how to begin an autoethnography is not enough, as so much “othering” leaves too many peoples living in crisis mode without recourse. Information will be provided related to applied autoethnography as a process involving five key elements: epistemologies of practice/critical reflexive action research, redesigning syllabi and rubrics, balancing multiple responsibilities with power negotiations, and publishing defensible autoethnography findings in reputable journals. Participants will receive PowerPoint notes, sample drafts, and pertinent handouts to enhance their research and teaching.