Who We Are
Who We Are
Profile of Division L Members
Division L stimulates informed and systematic analysis, research, evaluation, and debate about the education policy, including political, economic, legal, and fiscal issues. 
Division Officers

Division L - Educational Policy and Politics

Vice President

Sheneka M. Williams | Michigan State University | will3677@msu.edu


Amy N. Farley | University of Cincinnati | farleyay@ucmail.edu

Equity and Inclusion Officer(s)

Joshua Childs | University of Texas at Austin | jcchildspitt@gmail.com

Ain A. Grooms | University of Wisconsin | agrooms2@wisc.edu

Graduate Student Representatives

Andrew Niel Utter | Michigan State University | utterand@msu.edu

John Wang | University of Virginia | johnwang2461@gmail.com

Social Media

Joseph-Emery Kouaho | United Negro College Fund (UNCF) | jkouaho32@gmail.com

Past Vice President 

Janelle Scott | UC Berkeley | jtscott@berkeley.edu 

2023 Program Committeee

Program Chair

Sarah L. Woulfin | University of Texas at Austin | sarah.woulfin@austin.utexas.edu

Section Chairs

Section 1: Governance, Politics and Intergovernmental Relations

Richard Blissett | University of Maryland Baltimore County | rblissett@umbc.edu

Rachel Sue White | University of Tennessee | rswhite@utk.edu

Section 2: Legal and Judicial Issues for Equity and Access

Dwuana Bradley | University of Southern California | dwuana@bradley.usc.edu

Section 3: Curriculum and Instruction

Laura E. Hernandez | UC Berkeley | lehernandez@berkeley.edu 

Section 4: School Choice and Other Market Reforms

Chantal A. Hailey | University of Texas at Austin | chantal.a.hailey@utexas.edu

Euphra Jeanne Daramola | UC Santa Barbara | daramola@ucsb.edu

Section 5: Testing, Accountability and Data Use

Jacob Kirksey | Texas Tech University | jacob.kirksey@ttu.edu

Section 6: Human Capital and School Finance

David S. Knight | University of Washington | dsknight@uw.edu

Section 7: Social Context and Structural Inequalities

Alisha Butler | Wesleyan University | abutler@wesleyan.edu

Section 8: Social Policy and Education

Tasminda Dhaliwal | Michigan State University | tkdhaliwal@gmail.com

Sarah Winchell Lenhoff | Wayne State University | sarah.lenhoff@wayne.edu

Section 9: Policy Implementation and Going to Scale

Jerome Graham | Michigan State University | jgraham@msu.edu

Samantha Viano | George Mason University | sviano@gmu.edu



Structure & Governance
Structure & Governance


Article I.

The name of the organization is AERA Division L Educational Policy and Politics
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