AERA: April 11-14, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (Proposals due July 31)
Association for the Study of African American Life and History: September 20-24, Jackson, Mississippi (Proposals due June 13)
Australian & New Zealand History of Education Society (ANZHES): December 3-6 Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Aukland (Proposals due July 10)
Canadian History of Education Association / Association canadienne d’histoire de l’éducation (CHEA/ACHÉ): Upcoming 2024
History of Education Society: November 1-5, Atlanta, Georgia
History of Education Society UK: November 17-19, University of Sheffield (Proposals due June 30)
International Standing Conference for the History of Education: July 18-21, Budapest, Hungary
Organization of Education Historians: September 29-30, Virtual (Proposals due June 30)
Sociedad Mexicana de Historia de la Educación: Unannounced
South African Comparative and History of Education Society: Unannounced