Deadline: January 15, 2023
Committee Chair: Dr. Erica Saldivar Garcia,
The 24th Outstanding Dissertation Competition is open for recent and in-progress graduates, who earned or will earn a Ph.D. or Ed.D. degree between January 2021 and December 2022. The topic of the dissertation must be related to the area of bilingual education research, and may use qualitative, quantitative, or mixed research methods. The award committee consists of scholars representing the expertise within bilingual education research, members of the Bilingual Education Research SIG in good standing, and previous winners of the award.
The criteria used for evaluating the applications submitted will center on the quality of the dissertation (rigor of methodology and both theoretical and practical contributions to the field), as well as the innovations generated by the research work.
Persons interested should submit the following documents:
(1) Title page with author’s name, home address, current institutional affiliation, telephone number, and e-mail address, a list of the names of the dissertation committee chair(s) and members, and the name of the institution where the dissertation was completed.
(2) Summary of the dissertation study, not to exceed 15 pages. The summary must include: a statement of the problem, research questions, theoretical framework(s), methodology, results and discussion, and conclusion/significance for theory and practice. The summary should be typed doubled-spaced using 12-point font size, with no author's identification so it is ready for blind review by the Outstanding Dissertation Committee. The summary must be submitted as a PDF.
(3) Title page, abstract, references and appendices pages are not counted within the 15-page limit. Only references and appendices listed in the summary should be cited in the references page(s). The summary and references should follow the American Psychological Association Publication Manual Standards (7th ed).
Selection Criteria: Members of the Award Committee will evaluate and rank submissions based on the following review categories using a scale from 1 (low) to 5 (high): significance, rationale, methodological soundness, theoretical soundness, presentation or results or concepts (if a conceptual paper), quality of writing, and potential to move the field forward
The awardee will be recognized during the AERA 2023 annual business meeting for the Bilingual Education Research SIG in Toronto, receive a plaque from the AERA Bilingual Education Research SIG, and a cash award of $500.00.
Please send inquiries and submissions to Award Chair, Erica Saldivar Garcia, and AERA Bilingual Education Research Chair,
Committee Chair: Dr. Mandy Stewart,
The AERA Bilingual Education Research SIG is pleased to offer the 2023 Early Career Award. This award recognizes an individual in the early stages of their career, no later than 10 years after receipt of the doctoral degree. The awardee’s research must focus on the role of bilingualism in education including but not limited to bilingual education policy and/or practice. Any AERA member is eligible to send a nomination to the AERA Bilingual Education Research SIG Early Career Award Chair. Self-nominations are not accepted for this award.
The nomination must include:
* A nomination letter that explains the nominee's early career record of research and service focused on bilingualism in education;
* The nominee's most recent curriculum vitae;
* Two representative scholarly publications written by the nominee; and
* Two additional letters of support from individuals familiar with the nominee's work and qualified to speak to the quality of their scholarship and service to the field.
Nominations will be evaluated on the following criteria: academic appointment (fewer than 10 years since receipt of doctoral degree), scholarship recognized for excellence in advancing the understanding of the role of bilingualism in education, and service to the field.
The awardee will be recognized during the AERA 2023 annual business meeting for the Bilingual Education Research SIG in Chicago where they will receive a plaque from the AERA Bilingual Education Research SIG and a cash award of $500.00.
Please send inquiries and nomination packets as one PDF to the AERA Bilingual Education Research Early Career Award Chair, Mandy Stewart, at
Committee Chair: Diane August,
The Bilingual Education Research SIG is pleased to offer the Lifetime Achievement Award. The award recognizes the lifetime achievement of an outstanding, world-class scholar (with at least 15 years in academic appointment) whose work has made a notable impact on the field of bilingual education through continuous scholarship in bilingual education research and practices, service to bilingual education at the national and local levels, and steady mentorship of students and early career scholars. The awardee's research must focus on bilingual education.
Nominations should include:
* A nomination letter expressing the nominee's main contributions,
* A copy of the nominee's full curriculum vita, and
* Letters of support from three recognized scholars who can attest to the nominee's achievements.
Impact will be evaluated through the following criteria: strong and continuous scholarship in bilingual education, as evidenced through articles in peer-reviewed research journals, books, and other publications, as well as grant activity; service in regional, national, and possibly international contexts; and mentorship of students and early career scholars.
Please send inquiries and nominations to the Lifetime Achievement Award Chair: Diane August at
Deadline: December 22, 2022
Committee Chair: Mitch Ingram,
AERA Bilingual Education Research SIG Graduate Student Travel Award
The Bilingual Education Research SIG Graduate Student Travel Award shall be presented to a graduate student to help support her/his financial costs related to the AERA meeting. Up to three graduate students currently enrolled in masters or doctoral programs will be selected by the Bilingual Education Research SIG to support travel to the annual meeting. Recipients of this travel award must have a paper accepted for presentation in the Bilingual Education Research SIG program at the AERA annual meeting. Papers accepted for presentation for symposia, paper sessions, roundtables, poster sessions, and structured poster sessions are eligible.
Award Amount: $500.00 to be presented at the 2023 AERA Bilingual Education Research SIG Business Meeting in Chicago.
Award Criteria:
1. The graduate student must be the sole author or lead co-author of a paper, or the organizer of a symposium with a paper in which the student is a presenter, that has been accepted for presentation in the Bilingual Education Research SIG program for the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
2. The graduate student must be enrolled in a graduate program at the time of presentation (may NOT have graduated from the program by the time of the presentation), and pursuing a degree in bilingual education or a closely related field.
3. Prior award winners are not eligible to reapply; however, prior nominees (who did not win the award) are eligible to re-apply.
Nomination and Review Process:
• Award candidates may be nominated or self-nominate.
• Nominations must be submitted electronically as a PDF to the BER SIG Chair at, by December 22, 2022. Please use “Graduate Student Travel Award” as the subject line of the email.
• Nominations must include: 1) A copy of the accepted AERA proposal along with proof of acceptance; 2) a letter from faculty advisor certifying the nominee is a graduate student and indicating the field of study; 3) a screenshot (of AERA’s membership page) demonstrating nominee’s membership in Bilingual Education Research SIG.
• The Graduate Student Travel Award Committee, appointed by the Bilingual Education Research SIG Chair, will review the proposals and select up to three individuals to receive the awards.