Thank you for joining us for the 2021 Virtual Annual Meeting! We are offering a significant discount on all AERA titles. Click here to see a price list with the discounts. Print versions are available at the links included on this page or at our Online Store (further information on each title can be found at these links as well). Simply add the book(s) you would like to purchase to your cart, and the discount will automatically be applied at checkout. eBook versions can be purchased at, and the discount codes for each eBook are listed below. To receive the discount, add the eBook(s) to your cart and enter the corresponding code(s) in the "COUPON CODE" field in your cart. Then, click "Apply to order" and proceed with checkout.
NEW from AERA!
Edited by Laura W. Perna and Edward J. Smith
eBook discount code: IMPRV20AERA
Citizenship Education and Global Migration: Implications for Theory, Research, and Teaching
Edited by James A. Banks
eBook discount code: CIT17AERA
Comparing Ethnographies: Local Studies of Education Across the Americas
Edited by Kathryn Anderson-Levitt and Elsie Rockwell
eBook discount code: COM17AERA
Handbook of Research on Teaching, Fifth Edition
Edited by Drew H. Gitomer and Courtney A. Bell
eBook discount code: HAN16AERA
Thinking and Acting Systemically: Improving School Districts Under Pressure
Edited by Alan J. Daly and Kara S. Finnigan
eBook discount code: THI16AERA
Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue
Edited by Lauren B. Resnick, Christa Asterhan, and Sherice Clarke
eBook discount code: SOC15AERA
Interest in Mathematics and Science Learning
Edited by K. Ann Renninger, Martina Nieswandt, and Suzanne Hidi
eBook discount code: INT15AERA
LGBTQ Issues in Education: Advancing a Research Agenda
Edited by George L. Wimberly
eBook discount code: LGT15AERA
Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing
eBook discount code: AERA14ST
Ethical Standards: Cases and Commentary
Estimating Causal Effects: Using Experimental and Observational Designs
Prevention of Bullying in Schools, Colleges, and Universities