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AERA Affiliate Group Space is a safe and effective convening option to meet and collaborate without all of the planning and travel costs. Schools of education, research institutions, publishers, journals, and other organizations aligned with AERA’s mission to use scholarly research to improve education and serve the public good can host networking events and receptions as well as other virtual gatherings including board meetings, workshops, and seminars.
Affiliates will curate their own experiences in the space according to the content and engagement they aim to deliver to their attendees. Affiliates can deliver:
traditional seminars and workshops with panelists and Q&A
networking events with welcoming remarks and use the breakout function with “table topics” to engage attendees in smaller groups with designated leaders for each break out room to initiate conversation and keep the interaction going, encouraging everyone in the room to participate
breakfast or lunch socials to encourage informal interaction among attendees
Reserve your affiliate space now.
Questions? Contact the AERA Meetings Team at annualmtg@aera.net and include “AM22 Affiliate Group Space” or call Kendra McGee, Senior Meetings Manager, at 202-238-3212.