Research Connections
Research Connections
Getting Started with Self-Study

The purpose of the Getting Started with Self-Study Symposium was to provide an accessible entry point to people who are new to self-study or who are interested in learning more about self-study. The symposium was live-streamed on April 27, 2015 from Brock University and was co-chaired by Tim Fletcher and Déirdre Ní Chróinín. Julian Kitchen, Tom Russell, and Clare Kosnik were keynote speakers. Special thanks to Jon Winterbottom for coordinating the live streaming and recording of the symposium, and to Stephanie Beni for all of the video editing. Funding was provided by Brock University, Mary Immaculate College, and the Irish Research Council.

Highlights of talks by Tim Fletcher (“Getting Started with Self-Study”) and Julian Kitchen (“Becoming a Self-study Educator/Researcher: Stories and Possibilities”).



Highlights of talks by Tom Russell (“A History of Self-Study of Teacher Education Practice”) and Clare Kosnik (“Using Self-Study as Part of a Broader Program of Research”).


Highlights of question and answer period.

Watch the full symposium:

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Clare Kosnik and Clive Beck:

Anastasia Samaras:
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