July 2020
AERA Speaking Out on Policy Issues
Research Policy and Funding Updates
AERA Publication News
AERA Important Nominations
AERA Calls
AERA Publications Calls
New AERA Videos
Beyond AERA
In Memoriam
AERA in the News
2021 AERA Annual Meeting Moves to Virtual Only; Submissions Deadline: August 14
On July 30, Executive Director Felice J. Levine and AERA President Shaun Harper announced that the 2021 Annual Meeting, scheduled for Orlando, FL, April 9 to 12, will shift to a completely virtual format, with extended programming. Annual meeting submissions are due by August 14, 2020, 11:59 p.m. PDT. Read more
AERA Announces 2020 Award Winners in Education Research; Nominations for 2021 Awards Due October 29
AERA has announced the winners of its 2020 awards for excellence in education research, including Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson and Harvard scholar Howard Gardner. AERA will honor the recipients for their outstanding scholarship and service at a Virtual Awards Celebration in September. The nominations deadline for the 2021 AERA Awards is October 29 (except for nominations for the Outstanding Book Award, which are due October 21).
2020 Annual Meeting Authors Encouraged to Participate in Interactive Presentation Gallery—Extended Deadline: September 30
AERA is pleased to announce an extension for creating presentations for the Interactive Presentation Gallery by two months—until September 30, 2020. Read more
AERA Education Research Service Projects Initiative Seeks Proposals Focusing on the Covid-19 and Systemic Racism Pandemics—Deadline: August 31
As part of AERA’s efforts to respond to the impact of Covid-19 and systemic racism as dual pandemics facing education contexts globally, the association invites proposals for a special cycle of the Education Research Service Projects program. Read more
AERA Journals Top Impact Factor Rankings; AERA Open’s First Year in the Rankings
Three AERA journals are ranked in the top 10 in the “Education and Educational Research” category of the Journal Citation Reports, released in June. That category now includes 263 peer-reviewed scholarly journals from around the world. Read more
AERA Webinar Highlights Researcher and State Agency Partnerships for SLDS Research Use
On June 30, AERA and the Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) team at the National Center for Education Statistics held a webinar, “Collaborating to Support Education Research,” to highlight partnerships between state departments of education and researchers using SLDS data. Read more
AERA Speaking Out on Policy Issues
AERA President Testifies Before Congress on Covid-19 and the Racial Equity Implications of Reopening College and University Campuses
On July 7, AERA President Shaun Harper testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on Higher Education and Workforce Investment at a hearing titled “A Major Test: Examining the Impact of COVID-19 on the Future of Higher Education.” Read more
AERA Executive Director Speaks Out Against ICE Guidance on International Students and University Online-Only Instruction
On July 6, Immigration and Customs Enforcement issued guidance that would have required international college and university students in the United States to leave the country if their institution provides online-only instruction this fall, prompting swift and strong opposition from AERA and other members of the scientific and higher education communities. Read more
AERA Joins Scientific Community in Urging Trump Administration to Reverse Decision to Bypass CDC in Covid-19 Patient Data Collection and Analysis
On July 17, AERA joined the public health and scientific communities in urging the Trump administration to reverse its decision to bypass the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the collection and analysis of Covid-19 patient data. Read more
Research Policy and Funding Updates
House FY 2021 Appropriations Bills Advance; Legislation Addresses NCES Staffing Needs
The House Appropriations Committee moved legislation for FY 2021 appropriations in a two-week whirlwind earlier this month. The bills provide modest boosts in key federal programs that support education research and statistics. Read more
Civil Rights Data Collection Delayed to 2020-21 School Year; Comments on Changes Due August 6
On July 7, the Department of Education provided an update on the next Civil Rights Data Collection and responded to comments received last year on proposed additions and eliminations of data required from schools and districts. Read more
Friends of IES Urge House and Senate Leaders to Include $200 Million in Emergency Funding for IES Research Recovery
On July 21, twenty-one members of the Friends of IES coalition, which AERA chairs, sent a letter to Senate and House leadership to urge the inclusion of $200 million for the Institute of Education Sciences in the next Covid-19 emergency spending package. Read more
AERA Publications News
New RRE Editors Named, Call for Proposals Announced
Ronald Beghetto (Arizona State University) and Yong Zhao (University of Kansas) have been appointed editors for the 2022 and 2024 editions (Volumes 46 and 48) of the Review of Research in Education. Read more
AERA Launches Registered Reports as a New Option for AERA Open
In June, AERA Council approved the addition of registered reports as a new submission option for AERA Open. Registered reports offer a new form of manuscript review. Read more
AERA Print-Copy Books Available at Significant Discount through End of 2020
As the coronavirus reshapes the professional and personal lives of education researchers, AERA will offer all print-copy books at a significant discount through the end of the year to make these research volumes more accessible worldwide. Read more
AERA Important Nominations
Newly announced:
AERA Nominating Committee for SIG Executive Committee Seeks Recommendations—Deadline: September 15
The AERA Nominating Committee for the Special Interest Groups Executive Committee seeks recommendations for well-qualified candidates to run for the positions of Chair-Elect and Member-at-Large in the 2021 election. Read more
AERA Nominating Committee for Graduate Student Council Welcomes Recommendations—Deadline: September 15
The AERA Graduate Student Council Nominating Committee welcomes recommendations of well-qualified individuals as potential candidates to run for GSC office in the 2021 election. Read more
Previously announced:
AERA Nominating Committee Seeks Recommendations for 2021 Elected Officers—Deadline: August 25
The AERA Nominating Committee seeks recommendations of candidates for AERA-wide offices. Each year, the committee advances a slate of nominations for President-Elect and two Member-at-Large positions. Read more
AERA Fellows Committee Seeks Nominations for 2021 Class of Fellows—Deadline Extended: October 30
In recognition of the time demands facing nominators putting together strong Fellow submission materials, AERA is extending the nominations deadline from September 30 to October 30. Read more
AERA Calls
2021 Annual Meeting Call for Submissions—Deadline Extended: August 14
Call for AERA Research and Dissertation Grant Applications—Deadline Extended: November 2
Call for Nominations for 2021 Awards—Deadline: October 29 (except for nominations for the Outstanding Book Award, which are due October 21)
AERA Publications Calls
AERA Open Special Topic: Education in the Time of Pandemic—Deadline: Abstracts due on a rolling basis through September 1
The purpose of this special topic, launched in response to the current pandemic crisis, will be to learn and share as many lessons as possible, so that we are better prepared for systemic shocks in the future.
AERA Open Special Topic: Educational Data Science—Deadline: Papers due October 1
This AERA Open special topic call aims to showcase the best of this ongoing genre of research and to broaden the scope of data science applications to include work on diverse topics and frameworks related to education and learning, much of which is being generated by interdisciplinary scholars and educational domain experts.
Call for Proposals for 2022 Review of Research in Education—Deadline: March 15, 2021
New AERA Videos
New AERA Published Research: “‘Name and Shame’: An Effective Strategy for College Tuition Accountability?”
AERA-IES Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) Program Webinar on Collaborating to Support Education Research
AERA-IES Webinar on Using Longitudinal Data to Support State Policymaking Grant Program
Beyond AERA
- The W.T. Grant Foundation is accepting proposals for a $650,000, three-year Institutional Challenge Grant that encourages research institutions to build partnerships with public agencies or nonprofits in order to reduce inequality in youth outcomes. Learn more
Visit the Beyond AERA webpage for professional advancement opportunities from other organizations, including calls for papers and submissions, meetings and conferences, and other activities.
In Memoriam
AERA members who have recently passed away
Mary Dolores Durkin, 97, died on July 6. She retired from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 1993, as a professor in the Department of Elementary and Early Childhood Education and a senior scientist at the Center for the Study of Reading. Read more
Notices of AERA members who have passed away may be sent to members@aera.net. Please include full name, date of death, age, most recent affiliation, and a link to an official announcement.
AERA in the News
Recent media coverage of AERA and AERA-published research
Ohio students take to Instagram to share stories of racism
The Columbus Dispatch, July 26
‘Naming and shaming’ not swaying students on tuition
University Business, July 16
Thousands of Educators Laid Off Already Due to COVID-19, and More Expected
Education Week, July 14
Lost Learning Time Compounds Over Summers. Students Are Taking an Extra Hit Right Now
Education Week, July 10
Study: More than half of students lost 39% of year's learning over summer
Education Dive, July 10
Children Lose Up To 40% Of Learning Over Summer Break - So Imagine What Lockdown Will Do
Forbes, July 10
CMU joins legal fight to overturn new international student rules
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, July 9
Coronavirus puts information literacy in curriculum spotlight
Education Dive, July 8
Reopening Campuses, Racial Disparities
Inside Higher Ed, July 8
Higher education advocates call for more coronavirus aid
CNN, July 7
Higher ed leaders warn House committee of financial strain
The Hill, July 7
More AERA in the News
AERA Highlights is published by the American Educational Research Association monthly to inform members and others interested in education research about the latest news and developments in AERA and in the field.
Editor: Felice J. Levine
Managing Editors: Tony Pals and John Neikirk
Contributors: Nathan Bell, Audrey Poe, Christy Talbot, Tong Wu, and Martha Yager