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Inequality in Key Skills of City Youth: An International Comparison
Edited by Stephen Lamb and Russell W. Rumberger
This groundbreaking research volume addresses the topic of educational inequality from a global perspective. It includes 16 chapters from an international group of scholars who examine how well city school systems from around the world are preparing young people, particularly poor and minority students, with the skills they will need for further study, work, and life overall. While skills in key domains such as science, math, language, and civics have been center stage in international comparisons, there has been growing recognition of the effects that education has on the development of broader sets of capabilities such as social and emotional skills (also known as “noncognitive” or “21st-century” skills) that can affect the success of students in school and beyond. This volume aims to address the shortage of international data on the wide range of skills that students need to learn, enabling researchers to compare the types and causes of educational inequality in skills within and between cities.
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Volatility in State Spending for Higher Education
Edited by Jennifer A. Delaney
The severity of cuts and the unpredictability in state funding for higher education have garnered headlines across the nation since the turn of the present century. In this context, the authors in this new groundbreaking volume argue that too little attention is paid to the consequences of volatility in funding, as most discussions focus on levels of funding. Their research addresses an important blind spot in the academic literature since predictability matters—to institutions, students, families, and states. In addition, the risks of operating in an uncertain financial environment have led to behaviors that are not always in the best interests of states, institutions, faculty, students, or the public good.
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Handbook of Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers
Edited by Conra D. Gist and Travis J. Bristol
Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers are underrepresented in public schools across the United States of America, with Black, Indigenous, and People of Color making up roughly 37% of the adult population and 50% of children, but just 19% of the teaching force. Yet research over decades has indicated their positive impact on student learning and social and emotional development, particularly for Students of Color and Indigenous Students. A first of its kind, the Handbook of Research on Teachers of Color and Indigenous Teachers addresses key issues and obstacles to ethnoracial diversity across the life course of teachers’ careers, such as recruitment and retention, professional development, and the role of minority-serving institutions. Including chapters from leading researchers and policy makers, the Handbook is designed to be an important resource to help bridge the gap between scholars, practitioners, and policy makers. In doing so, this research will serve as a launching pad for discussion and change at this critical moment in our country’s history. The volume’s goal is to drive conversations around the issue of ethnoracial teacher diversity and to provide concrete practices for policy makers and practitioners to enable them to make evidence-based decisions for supporting an ethnoracially diverse educator workforce, now and in the future.
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Fairness in Educational and Psychological Testing: Examining Theoretical Research, Practice, and Policy Implications of the 2014 Standards
Edited by Jessica L. Jonson and Kurt F. Geisinger
This book examines scholarship, best practice methodologies, and examples of policy and practice from various professional fields in education and psychology to illuminate the elevated emphasis on test fairness in the 2014 Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. Together, the chapters provide a survey of critical and current issues with a view to broadening and contextualizing the fairness guidelines for different types of tests, test takers, and testing contexts. Researchers and practitioners from school psychology, clinical/counseling psychology, industrial/organizational psychology, and education will find the content useful in thinking more acutely about fairness in testing in their work. The book also has chapters that address implications for policy makers, and, in some cases, the public. These discussions are offered as a starting point for future scholarship on the theoretical, empirical, and applied aspects of fairness in testing particularly given the ever-increasing importance of addressing equity in testing.
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Advancing Knowledge and Building Capacity for Early Childhood Research
Edited by Sharon Ryan, M. Elizabeth Graue, Vivian L Gadsden, and Felice J. Levine
This volume employs a multidisciplinary approach to research on a high-profile topic very much on the agenda of state and national policy leaders: early childhood development and education. It aims to reflect how scholarly perspectives shape the contours of knowledge generation, and to illuminate the gaps that prevent productive interchange among scholars who value equity in the opportunities available to young children, their families, and teachers/caregivers. The editors and authors identify and prioritize critical research areas; assess the state of the field in terms of promising research designs and methodologies; and identify capacity-building needs and potential cross-group collaborations.
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Condition or Process? Researching Race in Education
Edited by Adrienne D. Dixson, Gloria J. Ladson-Billings, Cecilia E. Suarez, William T. Trent, and James D. Anderson.
The question of why we need to think about how we research race demands a conceptualization of race that captures both its social construction and its temporal evolution. We need both an understanding of race and clarity about how we talk about it in our design and conduct of research, and in how we interpret and apply it in our findings. As a field, we can use research on race and racism in education to help construct social change. Our purpose with this volume is to underscore the persistence of the discriminatory actions—processes—and the normalization of the use of race (and class)—conditions—to justify the existing and growing disparity between the quality of life and opportunity for middle-class and more affluent Whites and that for people of color and people of color who live in poverty. As editors of this volume, we wonder what more we could learn and understand about the process and condition of race if we dare to ask bold questions about race and racism and commit to methods and analyses that respect the experiences and knowledges of our research participants and partners.
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Improving Research-Based Knowledge of College Promise Programs (2020)
Edited by Laura W. Perna and Edward J. Smith
Also known as “free tuition” and “free college” programs, college promise programs are an emerging approach for increasing higher education attainment of people in particular places. To maximize the effectiveness of their efforts and investments, program leaders and policymakers need research-based evidence to inform program design, implementation, and evaluation. With the goal of addressing this knowledge need, this volume presents a collection of research studies that examine several categories and variations of college promise programs. These theoretically grounded empirical investigations use varied data sources and analytic techniques to examine the effects of college promise programs that have different design features and operate in different places. Individually and collectively, the results of these studies have implications for the design and implementation of promise programs if these programs are to create meaningful improvements in attainment for people from underserved groups. The authors’ efforts also provide a useful foundation for the next generation of college promise research.
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Comparing Ethnographies: Local Studies of Education Across the Americas (2017)
Edited by Kathryn Anderson-Levitt and Elsie Rockwell
Crossing borders to compare ethnographic research across the Americas is difficult but imperative. In this volume, the editors and authors demonstrate what education researchers can learn by comparing ethnographic studies of similar problems conducted by scholars from Latin America on the one hand and from “North America” (the United States and Canada) on the other. From the volume’s case studies, readers will learn that work done in other parts of the hemisphere is significant and that it can expand the boundaries of their own research and theorizing. |
Citizenship Education and Global Migration: Implications for Theory, Research, and Teaching (2017)
Edited by James A. Banks
This groundbreaking book describes theory, research, and practice that can be used in civic education courses and programs to help students from marginalized and minoritized groups in nations around the world attain a sense of structural integration and political efficacy within their nation-states, develop civic participation skills, and reflective cultural, national, and global identities. This book includes chapters that describe the problems that 18 nations around the world are experiencing trying to create and implement effective civic education programs for students from diverse racial, ethnic, cultural, and linguistic groups and case studies of effective ways that teachers and other educators are working to resolve these problems. |
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Handbook of Research on Teaching, Fifth Edition (2016)
The fifth edition of the Handbook of Research on Teaching is an essential resource for students and scholars dedicated to the study of teaching and learning. The volume covers a vast array of topics ranging from the history of teaching to technological and literacy issues. In each authoritative chapter, the authors summarize the state of the field while providing a conceptual overview of a critical aspect of research on teaching. Each of the volume’s 23 chapters is a canonical piece that will serve as a reference tool for the field. The chapters, all broad treatments of areas of study, will help readers see how particular areas of research connect with the larger issues of teaching and teacher education. The Handbook, therefore, provides readers with a “20,000-foot view” of the current state of education research. |
Thinking and Acting Systemically: Improving School Districts Under Pressure (2016)
Solving the puzzle of school district turnaround to bring about system-wide—rather than school-by-school—improvement has the potential to dramatically raise education outcomes. This timely and significant book will focus on systemic approaches to improving education by targeting the school district as the unit of reform and will argue for new theoretical and methodological strategies. This volume will explore and spotlight the empirical, theoretical, and methodological innovations that have focused on persistently struggling districts and provide much-needed practical information, based on high-quality research, for all who care about improving education outcomes. |
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Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (New Edition—2014)
Developed jointly by the American Educational Research Association, American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education, Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (Revised 2014) addresses professional and technical issues of test development and use in education, psychology, and employment.
Estándares para las evaluaciones educativas y psicológicas
The 2014 edition of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing is now available in Spanish. |
Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue (2015)
Socializing Intelligence Through Academic Talk and Dialogue focuses on a fast-growing topic in education research. Over the course of 34 chapters, the contributors discuss theories and case studies that shed light on the effects of dialogic participation in and outside the classroom. This rich, transdisciplinary endeavor will appeal to scholars and researchers in education and many related disciplines, including learning and cognitive sciences, educational psychology, instructional science, and linguistics, as well as to teachers, curriculum designers, and educational policy makers.
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LGBTQ Issues in Education: Advancing a Research Agenda (2015)
LGBTQ Issues in Education: Advancing a Research Agenda examines the current state of the knowledge on LGBTQ issues in education and addresses future research directions. The editor and authors draw on existing literature, theories, and data as they synthesize key areas of research. Readers studying LGBTQ issues or working on adjacent topics will find the book to be an invaluable tool as it sets forth major findings and recommendations for additional research. Equally important, the book brings to light the importance of investing in research and data on a topic of critical educational and social significance. |
Interest in Mathematics and Science Learning (2015)
Interest in Mathematics and Science Learning, edited by K. Ann Renninger, Martina Nieswandt, and Suzanne Hidi, is the first volume to assemble findings on the role of interest in mathematics and science learning, As the contributors illuminate across the volume’s 22 chapters, interest provides a critical bridge between cognition and affect in learning and development. This volume will be useful to educators, researchers, and policy makers, especially those whose focus is mathematics, science, and technology education.
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Prevention of Bullying in Schools, Colleges, and Universities: Research Report and Recommendations (2013)
This report results from the work of a blue-ribbon AERA task force mandated to prepare and present practical short-term and long-term recommendations to address bullying of children and youth.
Research on Schools, Neighborhoods, and Communities: Toward Civic Responsibility (2012)
Today, many research literatures—e.g., health, housing, transportation, and education—focus on civic progress, yet rarely are there efforts to interrelate these literatures to better understand urgent problems and promising possibilities in education, wherein social context is central. |
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International Handbook of Research on Environmental Education (2013)
The environment and contested notions of sustainability are increasingly topics of public interest, political debate, and legislation across the world. Environmental education journals now publish research from a wide variety of methodological traditions that show linkages between the environment, health, development, and education. |
Handbook of Education Policy Research (2009)
Educational policy continues to be of major concern. Policy debates about economic growth and national competitiveness, for example, commonly focus on the importance of human capital and a highly educated workforce. |
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Studying Diversity in Teacher Education (2011)
A collaborative effort by experts seeking to elucidate one of the most important issues facing education today. The volume examines historically persistent, unresolved issues in teacher education and the research currently being done to address these issues.
Handbook of Complementary Methods in Education Research (2006)
The Handbook of Complementary Methods in Education Research is a successor volume to AERA’s earlier and highly acclaimed editions of Complementary Methods for Research in Education.
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Estimating Causal Effects: Using Experimental and Observational Designs (2007)
A think tank white paper prepared under the auspices of the AERA Grants Program. |
Studying Teacher Education: The Report of the AERA Panel on Research and Teacher Education (2005)
This landmark volume presents the work of the American Educational Research Association's Panel on Research and Teacher Education.
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Black Education: A Transformative Research and Action Agenda for the New Century (2005)
This volume presents the findings and recommendations of the American Educational Research Association's Commission on Research in Black Education (CORIBE) and offers new directions for research and practice.
Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (1999 Edition)
This 1999 edition of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing has been superseded by the 2014 edition. The American Educational Research Association, the American Psychological Association, and the National Council on Measurement in Education recommend use of the 2014 Standards as the authoritative source of testing standards. The 1999 edition continues to be available for scholarly purposes.
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