April 2020
AERA Speaks to Policy and Funding Issues
Research Policy News
AERA Publications News
AERA Publications Calls
Beyond AERA
AERA in the News
AERA Convenes Global Community for Reflection, Presidential Presentation, and Rededication
AERA held a virtual “Worldwide Gathering for Reflection, Presentation, and Rededication” on Sunday, April 19, which convened 2,450 researchers, education leaders, educators, and other viewers from 76 countries. This historic Zoom-based event featured AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine, President Vanessa Siddle Walker, and President-Elect Shaun Harper. Read more
AERA to Offer Virtual Research Learning Series May through September—Registration Opens May 5
AERA is launching a Virtual Research Learning Series that will offer nine professional development courses on a breadth of topics. Taught by leading experts in the field, the series runs from May through September. All courses will include interaction, active discussion, and Q&A with participants. Read more |
AERA Extends 2020 Final Paper Submission Deadline to June 22; Authors Encouraged to Participate in AERA Online Paper Repository and Interactive Presentation Gallery
AERA is offering authors two opportunities to share and make accessible their papers accepted or invited for presentation at the 2020 AERA Annual Meeting. The AERA Online Paper Repository provides access to papers, and a new AERA Interactive Presentation Gallery provides authors with web-based presentation opportunities. Read more
President Harper Calls for Committee Nominations
AERA President Shaun Harper reminds members that professional service is vital to the ongoing work of our association and invites submissions of committee nominations by May 18, 2020. Read more
2021 Annual Meeting Theme Released; Call for Submissions Coming May 15
The 2021 Annual Meeting theme—“Accepting Educational Responsibility”—“invites AERA members and other Annual Meeting attendees to acknowledge the roles we play in sustaining an array of social and educational inequities.”
AERA and Spencer Foundation to Examine the Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the Most Vulnerable Members of the Education Research Field
AERA and the Spencer Foundation are undertaking a study of the impact of Covid-19 on early career scholars and graduate students in education research—the most professionally vulnerable of the field. Read more |
AERA Speaks to Policy and Funding Issues
AERA Joins Scientific Community to Endorse Congressional Resolutions Against Anti-Asian Discrimination Related to Covid-19
AERA has joined with 49 other science organizations to endorse congressional resolutions that denounce anti-Asian discrimination related to Covid-19 and call for leveraging global diversity to solve the public health crisis, including the vital role of researchers of Asian ancestry. Read more |
AERA Executive Director Provides Comments on House Science Committee Request on Future Covid-19 Stimulus Bill
On April 13, AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine submitted recommendations in response to a call from the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee for input on needs that could be addressed in a future Covid-19 economic stimulus package. Read more
AERA Signs On to Call to Higher Education Administrators Regarding Student Educational Progress During Covid-19
With unprecedented challenges in the lives of college students during the Covid-19 pandemic, AERA signed on to an April 22 statement from the American Sociological Association calling on higher education administrators to make comparable temporary accommodations for students whose degree progress has been impacted by the pandemic. Read more
Research Policy News
National Academies, NSF Create Network to Connect Decision-Makers with Social Scientists on Pressing Covid-19 Questions
On April 28, the National Academies and NSF announced the creation of a Societal Experts Action Network to connect social and behavioral science researchers with decision-makers who are leading the response to Covid-19. Read more
STEM Education Advisory Panel Addresses Needs and Challenges in the Midst of Covid-19
On April 15, the federal STEM Education Advisory Panel held a virtual meeting, hearing updates from leaders of the agencies that coordinate the activities of the National Science and Technology Council’s Committee on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education. Read more
AERA Publications News
New RRE Volume Addresses "What Counts as Innovative Educational Knowledge and What Education Research Counts"
The 2020 volume of RRE, edited by Jeanne M. Powers, Gustavo E. Fischman, and Margarita Pivovarova, presents reviews that advance understanding of how innovative methodological approaches provide new insights into enduring questions and identify novel challenges for education research and practice. Read more
Call for Volunteer Reviewers for 2021 Annual Meeting—Deadline: May 12
AERA is seeking volunteers to serve as peer reviewers for submissions for the 2021 AERA Annual Meeting. A quality peer review system is the bedrock for a quality annual meeting, and thus we encourage persons with depth of research expertise to volunteer to review and respond to this call. |
AERA Publications Calls
AERA Open Special Topic: Immigration and Education—Deadline: Abstracts due August 1
This special topic call aims to examine the current state of research at the intersection of immigration and education. Of particular interest are studies linking immigration policy and the current political environment to outcomes and experiences. |
AERA Open Special Topic: Educational Data Science—Deadline: Papers due October 1
This AERA Open special topic call aims to showcase the best of this ongoing genre of research and to broaden the scope of data science applications to include work on diverse topics and frameworks related to education and learning, much of which is being generated by interdisciplinary scholars and educational domain experts. |
Beyond AERA
Foundation for Child Development Call for Proposals for Young Scholars Program—Deadline for Submitting Letter of Intent: June 30
This program funds implementation research by early career researchers that is policy- and practice-relevant and that examines the preparation, competency, compensation, well-being, and ongoing professional learning of the early care and education workforce.
Visit the Beyond AERA webpage for additional professional advancement opportunities from other organizations, including calls for papers and submissions, meetings and conferences, and other activities.
AERA in the News
Recent media coverage of AERA and AERA-published research
Scientific Organizations Write to Congress Denouncing Anti-Asian Sentiment
Diverse Issues in Higher Education, April 23
Coronavirus may reveal college admission exams are nonessential for higher education
Fox News, April 16
Teachers not less likely to be racially biased, study says
Education Dive, April 15
Teachers Just As Likely To Be Racially Biased As Anyone Else
Forbes, April 15
Coronavirus and School Research: A Major Disruption and Potential Opportunity
Education Week, April 9
Study: Minority Student Enrollment Hasn’t Kept Pace With Demographic Trends in States That Have Affirmative Action Bans
Diverse Issues in Higher Education, April 8
Losing Minority Students
Inside Higher Ed, April 8
The Fee Some Colleges Charge Students Attempting To Graduate Early
Forbes, April 2
More AERA in the News
AERA Highlights is published by the American Educational Research Association monthly to inform members and others interested in education research about the latest news and developments in AERA and in the field.
Editor: Felice J. Levine
Managing Editors: Tony Pals and John Neikirk
Contributors: Nathan Bell, Jessica Sibold, Christy Talbot, George Wimberly, Tong Wu, and Martha Yager