AERA Hosts Capitol Hill Commemoration of NCES’s 150th Anniversary
The National Center for Education Statistics celebrated its 150th anniversary celebration on November 15 on Capitol Hill in an event hosted by AERA, the American Statistical Association, and the Council of Professional Associations on Federal Statistics.
AERA Grants Program Holds Fall Research Conference
On November 1–3, the AERA Grants Program welcomed education research scientists and federal agency representatives to its Fall Research Conference.
WERA to Hold World Congress in August 2018 – Submission Deadline: January 10
The World Education Research Association will hold its 2018 World Congress on August 3–5, 2018 in Cape Town, South Africa. AERA encourages wide participation in the event.
AERA Publications News
AERA Open Team Extended for Three Additional Years
AERA is pleased to announce that the co-editor team for AERA Open will be extended for three additional years through 2021.
Research Policy and Funding News
AERA Calls on Congress to Preserve Graduate Student Tax Benefits
AERA recently joined 44 other scientific and engineering societies in urging Congress to preserve graduate student tax benefits within the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (H.R. 1), specifically sections 117(d), 117(d)(5), and 127.
AERA Joins Campaign to Urge Congress to Raise Spending Caps
AERA joined a diverse coalition of 11 national research and scientific alliances and organizations for an advertising, social media, and grassroots campaign during the week of November 12–17, urging Congress to negotiate a bipartisan budget deal that raises spending caps before end of the year.
House Advances Bipartisan Evidence-Based Policymaking Bill
On November 15, the U.S. House of Representatives passed the Foundations for Evidence-Based Policymaking Act of 2017 (HR 4174). The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform unanimously approved the bill on November 2.
NSF SBE Advisory Committee, National Science Board Hold Meetings
The Advisory Committee for the National Science Foundation (NSF) Social, Behavioral, and Economic Sciences Directorate met November 2–3 in NSF’s new headquarters in Alexandria, VA.
Chalkbeat’s Matt Barnum Discusses What He Looks for When Reporting on Education Research
Matt Barnum is Chalkbeat’s national reporter, covering education policy, politics, and research. Previously he was a staff writer at The 74 and a middle school language arts teacher in Colorado.
New and Extended AERA Calls
Ongoing AERA Calls
AERA Publications Calls
AERA Open "Special Topic" Calls for Papers:
Beyond AERA
AERA in the News
Recent media coverage of AERA and AERA-published research
- Early Education Is a Game Changer: New Report Shows That Reaching Infants and Toddlers Reduces Special Education Placement, Leads to Soaring Graduation Rates
The 74, November 16
- Benefits of early childhood education persist into high school, study says
Southern California Public Radio, November 16
- New Analysis Finds Long-Lasting Benefits to Early-Childhood Education
Education Week, November 16
- There's Lots of Social-Emotional Support for Students, but Not for Teachers. Here Are Some Programs Looking to Change That
The 74, November 7
- Using Test Scores Tends to Lower Teacher-Evaluation Ratings, Study Shows
Education Week, November 1
- Study: Career and Tech Ed Provides Slight Boost for High School Achievement
Diverse Issues in Higher Education, October 31
- Career and Tech Ed Courses Don't Boost Chances of College-Going, Study Finds
Education Week, October 31
- Finding the CTE Sweet Spot (Morning Education)
Politico, October 31
More AERA in the News
Video of the Month:
The National Center for Education Statistics:
Commemorating 150 Years of Innovation
AERA Highlights is published by the American Educational Research Association monthly to inform members and others interested in education research about the latest news and developments in AERA and in the field.
Editor: Felice J. Levine
Managing Editors: Tony Pals and John Neikirk
Contributors: Juliane Baron, Jonathan Fera, Jazmin Gargoum, David Presgraves, Christy Talbot, George Wimberly, and Martha Yager