March 2020
AERA Speaks to Research Policy Issues
Other Research Policy and Funding News
Calls for Major Education Research Prizes
AERA Publications Calls
Beyond AERA
AERA in the News
AERA Cancels 2020 Annual Meeting Due to Coronavirus Pandemic
For the first time since World War II, AERA has cancelled its Annual Meeting, in response to rapidly growing concerns over the coronavirus crisis. Read more
AERA Provides Resources on the Impact of Coronavirus
With the coronavirus pandemic sweeping the United States and the world, upending the personal and professional lives of millions of people, including students, educators, and education researchers, AERA is providing a breadth of resources to support researchers across fields, educators at all levels of education, and the public. Read more
AERA Offers E-Books at Deep Discounts During Coronavirus—through June 30
All AERA eBooks will be deeply discounted until June 30 to make more accessible worldwide AERA research volumes, including classics like the Handbook of Research on Teaching. Members will receive a 30 percent discount on all orders beyond the member price; 20 percent discounts will be applied to all other orders. Read more
AERA Members Receive Free Access to Additional Issue of Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences
AERA members have received complimentary access to the current issue of Policy Insights from the Behavioral and Brain Sciences (PIBBS, vol. 7, no. 1), a journal of the Federation of Associations in Behavioral & Brain Sciences. Read more
AERA Signs On to ASA Statement on Faculty Review and Reappointment Process During COVID-19 Crisis
AERA signed on to a statement from the American Sociological Association calling on higher education administrators to consider appropriate temporary adjustments to their review and reappointment processes for tenure-line and contingent faculty. Read more

AERA Speaks to Research Policy Issues
AERA and ASA Jointly Raise Concerns about NCES
In a March 23 letter led by AERA Executive Director Felice J. Levine and Ron Wasserstein, executive director of the ASA, House and Senate appropriators were urged to rebuild internal staff capacity at NCES, boost agency funding, and ensure that efforts that could erode the independence of NCES were scrutinized carefully. Read more |
AERA Provides Appropriations Testimony with Emphasis on EHR and IES
On March 13, AERA submitted testimony to the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Subcommittee with requests for at least $9 billion for the National Science Foundation and $1.68 billion for the Census Bureau. Read more
AERA Submits Comments on OSTP Draft Desirable Characteristics of Data Repositories
On March 17, AERA provided comments to the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Science and Technology Council Subcommittee on Open Science on a set of draft desirable characteristics of repositories for managing and storing data from federally funded research. Read more |
Other Research Policy and Funding News
Federal Agencies and Congress Address Impact of COVID-19 on Education and Research
Federal agencies are providing guidance and flexibility for researchers during the coronavirus crisis. National Science Foundation Director France Córdova issued an update on the agency’s efforts to provide flexibility to its grantees, grant applicants, and reviewers. The National Institutes of Health has also provided guidance on proposal and award management of funding opportunities addressing COVID-19. Read more
New GAO Report Details Federal Agency Actions to Address Sexual Harassment in STEM
On March 19, the Government Accountability Office issued a report finding that federal agencies funding STEM research are taking actions to address sexual harassment, but that additional actions are needed to ensure compliance with Title IX. Read more
NIH Calls for Applications to Research Firearms Injury and Mortality Prevention
On March 20, the National Institutes of Health Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research issued a notice of special interest to solicit applications for one-year supplemental grants for research on firearms injury and mortality prevention. Read more
IES Announces Forthcoming Research Funding Opportunities
On March 25, the Institute of Education Sciences announced two competitive funding opportunities for the FY 2021 grant cycle in the Federal Register. Read more |
Census Field Operations Suspended Two Additional Weeks, AERA Urges Census Participation
Based on continuing assessments of guidance from federal, state, and local health authorities, the U.S. Census Bureau is suspending 2020 Census field operations for two additional weeks to April 15. Read more |
Census Bureau Retires American FactFinder, Transitions Data to New Platform
On March 30, the U.S. Census Bureau retired American FactFinder, its statistics and information search engine, after 20 years. After March 30, AFF will be decommissioned and no longer available. Read more |
Calls for Major Education Research Prizes
2021 Grawemeyer Award in Education—Deadline for Nominations: April 15
The Grawemeyer Award in Education is intended to stimulate the dissemination, public scrutiny, and implementation of ideas that have potential to bring about significant improvement in educational practice and advances in educational attainment.
2020 Yidan Prizes—Extended Deadline for Nominations: April 30
The Yidan Prize for Education Research recognizes outstanding research that contributes in significant ways to education. The Yidan Prize for Education Development recognizes innovative ideas that tackle important challenges in the field of education. |
Call for Applications for WERA Visiting Researcher Awards 2020—Deadline: May 1
AERA Publications Calls
AERA Open Special Topic: Educational Data Science—Deadline: Papers due June 1
This AERA Open special topic call aims to showcase the best of this ongoing genre of research and to broaden the scope of data science applications to include work on diverse topics and frameworks related to education and learning, much of which is being generated by interdisciplinary scholars and educational domain experts.
AERA Open Special Topic: Immigration and Education—Deadline: Abstracts due August 1
This special topic aims to examine the current state of research at the intersection of immigration and education. Of particular interest are studies linking immigration policy and the current political environment to outcomes and experiences. |
Beyond AERA
Visit the Beyond AERA webpage for additional professional advancement opportunities from other organizations, including calls for papers and submissions, meetings and conferences, and other activities. |
AERA in the News
Recent media coverage of AERA and AERA-published research
Understaffing threatens work at key U.S. education statistics agency, experts say
Washington Post, March 31
AERA Virtual Conference Off: 'The Situation Changed in Ways Unimaginable'
Education Week, March 24
Latest Coronavirus News
Inside Higher Ed, March 24
Major educational convention is latest to cancel in S.F.
San Francisco Business Times, March 9
Colleges shift classes online, more conferences are canceled
Inside Higher Ed, March 9
AERA Cancels In-Person Conference Due to Coronavirus. The Event Will Be Held Virtually
Education Week, March 7
Study: Social studies teachers not 'above the fray' in removing bias from media literacy
Education Dive, March 6
When Teaching Media Literacy, Which News Sources Are Credible? Even Teachers Don't Agree
Education Week, March 5
Na’ilah Suad Nasir Voted President-Elect of the American Educational Research Association
Diverse Issues in Higher Education, March 1
More AERA in the News |
AERA Highlights is published by the American Educational Research Association monthly to inform members and others interested in education research about the latest news and developments in AERA and in the field.
Editor: Felice J. Levine
Managing Editors: Tony Pals and John Neikirk
Contributors: Jessica Sibold, Christy Talbot, Tong Wu, and Martha Yager