AERA25 Call for Reviewers Open—Take the Time to Volunteer

February 2024

While the 2024 AERA Annual Meeting is about to engage thousands of attendees in Philadelphia, April 11–14, AERA encourages education researchers to volunteer as peer reviewers of submissions for the 2025 AERA Annual Meeting.

The call for volunteer reviewers was released on January 30, 2024, and those interested in being selected have until April 29, 2024, to sign up.

A quality peer-review system is the bedrock of a quality annual meeting. Therefore, AERA encourages persons with depth of research expertise to volunteer to review by responding to the call in their specialty area.

Serving on a review panel is a selective process. It is considered to be an honor and is publicized in the AERA community as a form of important service to the association and the field. Reviewers are publicly acknowledged, which also adds to the transparency of the process and the accountability of each submission unit for ensuring that review panels reflect the criteria for selection.

The call includes information on how to volunteer and the selection criteria. AERA urges education research scholars with expertise across career stages to volunteer and participate in creating an annual meeting of excellence.

Individuals interested in being considered as peer reviewers are encouraged to volunteer for specific units (divisions, SIGs, or committees) through My AERA.