Join Our SIG Leadership Team!

Call for SIG Leadership Nominees

Our SIG is currently seeking nominations for our Program Co-Chair officer position, which will begin in April 2024.

Due before October 30, 2023: Nominations for TAR SIG Program Co-Chair

A great way to get more involved in the TAR-SIG is to hold a position on our executive board! No experience required. Self-nominations encouraged. Please email Alan Amtzis and Mary Klehr ( and as soon as possible and no later than October 30th if you are interested in this role, with:

* your full name,

* your institutional/school district affiliation, and

* a short bio statement (up to 200 words).

Current PK-12 classroom teachers are highly encouraged to apply.

Program Co-Chair – 3 year term

The new Program Co-Chair, for their first two years, will collaborate with current Program Co-Chair, Lisa Rose Johnson, to prepare and distribute the TAR SIG 2025 and 2026 call for proposals, manage the review process for all submitted proposals, and assemble the AERA TAR-SIG program, following AERA deadlines. During the third year, you will work together with and mentor the next incoming Program Chair.

ELIGIBILITY: AERA policy requires that all elections must be competitive; that is, there must be two or more candidates for each elected office. Only Regular Members of AERA who are not Graduate Student members can run for this office. Graduate students can run only for student offices. Candidates must also be members of the SIG and of AERA to serve as an officer.

TAR SIG Executive Officers must be either a current PreK-12 classroom teacher, a teacher on leave, or a former classroom teacher. If no candidates with the above qualifications are available, a candidate whose work is closely aligned with the TAR-SIG mission may be nominated, at the Executive Committee’s invitation.

Please reach out to us at any time with questions regarding the Co-Program Chair position, and feel free to share with any teacher researchers who are not currently in our SIG but would benefit from all our community has to offer.