AAPE Awards

Distinguished Conference Paper Award

This award recognizes research and scholarly contributions on topics related to the AAPE SIG. Each year, the AAPE SIG will seek nominations for the award from individuals who have papers that have been accepted for presentation at the AERA Annual Meeting. The award recognizes the development of innovative projects or research on accreditation, assessment, and/or program evaluation in education preparation that demonstrate an impact on the educator preparation community with notable contribution to the field. Applications for this award will be solicited in December and selection will take place each February prior in advance of the upcoming AERA meeting. 

Eligibility. To be considered, the applicant must be a current AERA member at the time of nomination for the award and have a paper accepted by the SIG at the upcoming AERA Annual Meeting.

Selection Criteria. The nominees will be assessed based on the quality of the research and its relevance to the SIG mission. Papers considered for the Distinguished Conference Paper Award should:

  1. Align with the SIG mission;
  2. Address an important topic related to accreditation, assessment, or program evaluation in the education preparation setting;
  3. Contribute to the literature on accreditation, assessment, or program evaluation in the education preparation field;
  4. Be methodologically rigorous;
  5. Relate significant findings; and,
  6. Discuss the applicability of findings to practice and theory.

Recognition. The awardee will receive a $500 cash award and a plaque. Award winners will be announced on the AAPE listserv and at the annual business meeting. Although the winner is strongly encouraged to attend the business meeting, attendance is not required.

December 1 - Call for nomination will be sent. Award candidates may be nominated or self-nominated.
January 15 -  Closing date for nominations
January 31 - Announcement of selected paper