Message from SIG Chair

SIG Chair

Greetings Hip Hop SIG Family, 
We are excited to engage in another year of programming rooted in love and community with our brilliant membership base. It is our deepest hope that you leverage our SIG membership network and see this as a space for you to share, explore, teach, learn, and turn up! As always, we must express gratitude to our SIG Founders Drs. Bettina Love, Jocelyn Wilson, Chris Emdin, and Ruth Nicole Brown. We seek to sustain and energize this SIG in the spirit of the great folxs who led us here and the great folxs who will continue to lead us into the future of this necessary work. Please invite a colleague to join our SIG. We look forward to working with you all throughout the year! 

Justin A. Coles & Aysha Upchurch