NAEP Studies: SIG 99

Call for Nominations for Outstanding Paper Award


The AERA NAEP Studies SIG has put out the 2023 call for nominations for their Outstanding Paper Award.  This award recognizes papers of exemplary conceptual, methodological, analytic, and writing quality that draw on NAEP data to advance education research or inform policy development.  Papers could be published in either refereed and non-refereed sources.  The committee will consider the strength of a paper as it relates to the overarching NAEP Studies SIG call for focused attention on persistent issues of urgent concern to the field, such as improvement in measurement and understanding of noncognitive skills, better understanding of contextual factors explaining achievement disparities, and impacts of policy on educational achievement and growth.

The nomination period began on August 1st, and it will continue until December 1st at 11:59 PM.  Please send nominations to Markus Broer (  All nominated papers must be accepted for publication by November 1st.  For more details about the nomination process, check out the Awards tab on the AERA NAEP Studies SIG home page or click this link.