Division H - March 2016

Message from Division VP

March 28, 2016


AERA Executive Director has shared that Dr. Vickie Cartwright has been elected as Division H’s new Vice President with a term that will last for three years beginning after the AERA meeting in San Antonio, TX in 2017. Vickie is the Senior Executive Director for Exceptional Student Education in the Orange County School District (Orlando area) in Florida.  She has previously served as Division H Secretary.  Vickie will work alongside Zollie as VP-elect to learn the internal processes that VP’s need to understand in their leadership roles.  Congratulations Vickie!

Thanks to Rolf Blank and Antionette Stroter for serving as VP candidates in this election process.  Their ongoing service and commitment to Division H demonstrate their ability to serve in leadership roles in the Division and we are most thankful for their past, present and future service to Division H.


The Updated Schedule of Division H Highlights

The Division H highlights can be found here.  Please note that the location of the presession will be provided directly to registrants.

Division H Breakfast Meeting

Don't forget to sign up for the Division H Breakfast Meeting, one of the best priced buffet breakfast opportunities at AERA!  Secure your ticket though the AERA Registration portal for $12.  The breakfast is a $44 value and will include the following buffet menu:

Orange, Grapefruit and Cranberry Juices; Seasonal Fresh Fruit; Steel Cut Irish Oatmeal Accompanied with Brown Sugar, Dried Fruit, Nuts, Fresh Berries and Maple Syrup; Cage Free All Natural Scrambled Eggs; Smoked Bacon and Breakfast Sausage; Skillet Breakfast Potatoes; A Bakery Basket to include Assorted Croissants, Danishes and Muffins; Fruit Preserves and Sweet Butter; Stoneyfield Farms Yogurts; Assorted Dry Cereals with Whole and Skim Milk; Freshly Brewed Starbucks Coffee, Decaffeinated Coffee and Tazo Teas

Division H Centennial Symposium and Reception – Saturday – 4:05-6:05 pm & 5:05 – 7 pm

We will have a symposium and reception featuring the past Vice President’s pf Division H which will be followed by a reception.  So that we can better plan the quantity of provisions for the reception, please RSVP via the attached Eventbrite link by April 1, 2016. Link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/division-h-centennial-symposium-and-reception-tickets-23861006914

Division H Social Reception Invitation:

The Annual Division H Social Reception will take place on Sunday, April 10th beginning at 7 pm in the Washington Convention Center. To help us plan for the reception, please click on the link below and let us know that you are coming.


Please respond by March 31, 2016 so that we can accommodate you.


ATTENTION: Division H Exhibits Booth Volunteers STILL Needed in Washington, DC!!! Please sign up today!

Dear Division H Members:

The 2016 Division H Exhibits Booth Committee is STILL looking for volunteers to help out at AERA’s Annual Meeting, in Washington, DC. We invite you to participate in the following Doodle poll, in order to select a time slot that works for you: "Sign Up to Volunteer at the Division H Exhibits Booth Today!!!!!” You can find this poll at:


Don’t forget to write down the dates and times that you volunteer for, and prepare to arrive at least 5 minutes early. Please feel free to share this link with other Division H members, and sign up for a time slot today!

Booth hours are:

  • Saturday, 4/9/16        9am - 6pm
  • Sunday, 4/10/16        9am - 4pm
  • Monday, 4/11/16       9am - 5:30pm

Thank you for your contribution to Division H!

Exhibit Booth Co-Chair, Glynn Ligon (gligon@espsg.com)

Exhibit Booth Co-Chair, Sarah D. Newton (sarah.newton@uconn.edu)

 Booth Location: The Walter E. Washington Convention Center - Exhibit Hall D – Booth #202, Washington, DC


Division H Business Meeting Breakfast door prize donations:

It has become tradition and a much anticipated event to give a few door prizes among those who attend the Division H Business Breakfast meeting. I hope you will consider donating a door prize to this year’s business meeting breakfast, held during the AERA Conference in Washington, DC.

If you are able to make a donation, please send it to Thy Nguyen at the address below, or you may bring it to Washington, DC. The breakfast committee chairpersons can arrange a pick-up before the meeting.  Please send your donation by the end of March.

Again, thank you so much for your support.  We hope to see you at the business meeting breakfast in Washington, DC!  

Please mail all donations by March 31 to the following address:

Thy T. Nguyen
Norfolk City Public Schools
Department of Assessment, Research, and Accountability
800 East City Hall Avenue
Suite 700
Norfolk, VA 23510


TO GRADUATE STUDENTS:Coffee Mentorship is Back!:

It’s time for the ever popular coffee mentorship program, again!  Each year at the Annual Meeting we pair graduate students with veteran members of Division H who are interested in similar research questions and/or career paths.  If you are a graduate student member of Division H, plan to attend the AERA Annual Meeting in Washington D.C., April 8-12, and would like to be put in contact with a mentor to share coffee and conversation in D.C., visit http://tinyurl.com/coffeementee to sign up.

Did you know?

  • Division H graduate students who present at AERA can receive a $50 Stipend.
  • Division H graduate students who participate in the Coffee Mentorship can receive a $25 reimbursement for participating (with receipts).
  • All stipends and reimbursements forms must be received by the end of May, 20016.


TO DIVISION H PROFESSIONALS: Coffee Mentorship is Back!:

It’s time for the ever popular coffee mentorship program, again!  Each year at the Annual Meeting we pair graduate students with veteran members of Division H who are interested in similar research questions and/or career paths.  If you are a member of Division H, plan to attend the AERA Annual Meeting in Washington D.C., April 8-12, and would like to be put in contact with a graduate student to share coffee and conversation in D.C., visit http://tinyurl.com/divisionhvolunteer to sign up.

Reimbursement for coffee is provided by Division H.



The Institute for Education Sciences announces a new two-week training workshop on better quasi-experimental designs. This two-week workshop will expose attendees to state-of-the-art quasi-experimental methods for evaluating education interventions. It will also offer participants opportunities to conduct hands-on analyses of quasi-experimental data that we will provide. Participants in past IES Quasi-Experimental workshops without hands-on training and who now want it are encouraged to apply. The format will consist of lectures, small group discussions, individual consultations, and small group hands-on experiences. Click here for more information.


Dear Colleague:

AERA announces its 2016 – 2017 AERA Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) Dissertation Fellowship competition for graduate students. This program provides support to graduate students who conduct secondary data analysis using the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) Longitudinal Database. We are seeking your assistance in sharing this information and identifying potential candidates. Information about the program, eligibility requirements, and application instructions are available at http://www.aera.net/AERAfundingopportunities.

The application deadline is May 16, 2016.

You may contact me at fellowships@aera.net or 202-238-3200 if you have any questions or concerns.

Best regards,
George L. Wimberly
Director of Professional Development
Diversity Officer


Division H member Dr. Jenny Rankin released the following books published by Routledge/Taylor & Francis: