Online Course-Taking and Student Outcomes in California Community Colleges

Online Course-Taking and Student Outcomes in California Community Colleges

Presented at:
AERA 2015 Annual Meeting
April 18, 2015

Cassandra M.D. Hart, Universty of California - Davis
Elizabeth Friedmann, Universty of California - Davis
Michael Hill, Universty of California - Davis

This paper uses fixed effects analyses to estimate differences in student performance under online versus face-to-face course delivery formats in California’s Community College system. On average, students have poorer outcomes in online courses, in terms of the likelihood of course completion; course completion with a passing grade; and receiving an A or B. These estimates are robust across estimation techniques, different groups of students, and different types of classes. Differences are especially acute in summer sessions, intersessions, non-transfereligible classes, and classes that enroll a smaller share of their students online. Differences in faculty characteristics only negligibly dampen the estimated relationships.

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