Message from SIG Chair

Together We Grow!


Dear SP&ED-SIG Members,

Many thanks to each and everyone of you for supporting this SIG by your continued membership, by responding to the calls for conference papers, and by responding to the urgent calls last December and again in May for nominations to the SIG offices. I am humbled, delighted, and, to be honest, more than a bit surprised to find myself in this role. My thanks to Dr. Judy Alston, SIG Chair for the past three years, for guiding the SP&ED-SIG through the Great COVID Dispersal, a virtual conference, and the challenges of returning to some kind of quasi-normal. 

I hope to create a separate page giving more information about each of our SIG officers. For now, however, please join me in congratulating each of our other recently elected officers who will serve until after the 2024 Conference : Dr. Liane Brouilette, Secretary; Dr. Jennifer Mata-McMahon, Treasurer; and Dr. Michelle Tichy, Program Chair. We also have appointed, Dr. Christine Neider to a one-year term in the office of Newsletter Editor. Please also join me in giving heartfelt thanks to the other of our SIG members who indicated a willingness to serve by placing their names in nomination for office: Dr. Kathleen Harris, Dr. Craig S. Heath, Dr. Deanna Kay Rice, and Dr. Donna M. Druery.

Please watch for opportunities throughout the year  to participate in conversations, to share your work, and to learn from each other. Send us your thoughts, ideas, and questions -- together we will keep our SIG vibrant and growing, moving forward in the important work of providing space to discuss the role of human spirituality within the field of education.



Anne W. Anderson, Ph.D., Independent Researcher

Reach me at, and look for the SP&ED-SIG on Facebook: