Who We Are

Our Members and the 2022-2023 Executive Committee


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Geographic Locations : Our members currently reside in states across the continental US and in six countries across four continents. Were we to ask where everyone was born, we likely would discover even greater global diversity. 

Fields and Positions: Members include graduate students, early career, mid-career, and retired professionals working in many settings: as consultants and independent researchers, in PK-12 public and private schools,  undergraduate and graduate institutions, and across fields ranging from Education/Special Education to Nursing. However, the greater percentage of our members -- 63% -- do not list a position, and many do not list a department or even an institution.

How might we interpret these brief snippets of information about our members? First, we are more internationally diverse than the name of our parent organization suggests. Second, we represent a broad range of fields, settings, and perspectives--we have much to offer each other.

Most important, however, is that each of us who have chosen to pay the extra few dollars to join the Spirituality and Education (SP&ED) SIG are drawn to be part of something not typically discussed in the field of education. 

By and large, we are a group of scholars who recognize that human spirituality cannot be ignored in assumptions about education theory, practice, and/or research.