National Head Start Research Conference

National Head Start Research Conference

July 2012

The 11th National Head Start Research Conference brought together 1,300 early childhood educators and researchers on June 18–20 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Washington, D.C. Structured to ensure interaction among researchers, practitioners, and policy makers, the conference focused on the theme “Research on Young Children and Families: Effective Practices in an Age of Diversity and Change.”

Vivian Gadsden, incoming coeditor of Educational Researcher, was among the keynote speakers. Gadsden discussed parental and family contributions to early learning experiences. Other presenters introduced research about nutrition, brain development, and effective assessment of teachers and programs. The conference emphasized issues of research methodology associated with strong evaluations.

The Head Start research conferences “identify and disseminate research relevant to young children (birth to 8 years) and their families,” especially low-income families, as they are the beneficiaries of the federal Head Start programs. Gerald Sroufe, AERA director of government relations, served on this year’s planning committee, and AERA is a cooperating organization for the conference.