
Lifetime Contribution to Cultural-Historical Research Award

Description: The Lifetime Contribution to Cultural Historical Research Award was established to recognize the career long contributions to educational research of a scholar employing a Cultural Historical orientation. The contributions can be reflected in foundational books, series of publications, lectures, conference presentations, grants, speeches, and important engagement with the field broadly speaking including outreach and service. The candidate must be nominated by a member of the SIG.

Please note the following conditions of the call:

Eligibility Criteria: Anyone who fits the above definition. 

Nomination Process and Timeline: The candidate must be nominated by a member of the SIG.

Nomination packets should include a letter of nomination and a copy of the candidate’s CV. All nominations should be submitted electronically.

Please send inquiries and submissions to the awards committee (refer to call for submissions for specific information)

The deadline for the nominations is January 10, 2024.  

The winner will be given a plaque with an inscription will be awarded. The winner will give an invited talk in the SIG’s annual meeting program at the following year’s AERA meeting.

Lifetime Contribution Award winners: 

2007 - Vera John-Steiner, Regents Professor, Emerita, University of New Mexico and Micheal Cole, University of California, San Diego, Emeritus 

2015 - Lois Holzman, East Side Institute

2021 - Kris D. Gutiérrez, University of California, Berkeley and Yrjö Engestörm, University of Helsinki 

2022 - Anne Edwards, University of Oxford and Artin Göncü, University of Illinois Chicago  

2023 - Peter Smagorinsky, University of Georgia and Anna Stetsenko, CUNY Graduate Center