Re-imagining Researcher

Session title:

Re-Imagining Researcher-Practitioner Partnerships: The Regional Educational Laboratories

Panel Looks at Partnerships with Regional Educational Laboratories

The Regional Educational Laboratories (RELs) have long been charged with responding to regional education needs, but the newest generation of RELs will conduct their work in a new way: through sustained partnerships between researchers and education practitioners. This panel presents the theory of action behind these partnerships and discusses how the RELs in three regions are working through a variety of partnership structures to bring data and research to bear on important education issues. Each of the RELs represented on this panel presents specific projects related to college and career readiness.

Division L - Educational Policy and Politics
Section 1: Politics and Governance

Schedule Information:

Time: Saturday, April 14, 8:15 a.m.–9:45 a.m.  

Building/Room: Vancouver Convention Centre, Second Level - East Room 11

Session Participants:

Chair: John Q. Easton (Institute of Education Sciences) 

College and Career Readiness Research Alliances in the REL West Region

Andrea Anne Lash (WestEd)

College and Career Readiness Research Alliances in the REL Northeast and Islands Region

Julie Riordan (Education Development Center, Inc.)

College and Career Readiness Research Alliances in the REL Pacific Region

Akiemi Glenn (Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (REL Pacific))

Discussant: Rebecca A. Maynard (U.S. Department of Education)