
To Join the SIG

The easiest way to join our SIG is by joining online through your current AERA membership. 

Follow the steps below to join Semiotics in Education: Signs, Meaning and Multimodality (SIG 110):

  1. Login to AERA using your username and password at
  2. Click the "My AERA" link at the top of the page. 
  3. Scroll down and click the link that says "Purchase Additional SIG Memberships." 
  4. Scroll down and check the box next to "Semiotics in Education: Signs, Meanings, and Multimodality (110)." 
  5. Click "Finish." This will allow you to add the SIG to your current membership as well as gain access to our listserv. 

You can also join the SIG through the following means:

  • In writing —1430 K St., NW, Suite 1200, Washington DC 20005
  • By telephone — 202.223.9485;
  • By fax — 202.775.1824 to request that a Semiotics in Education: Signs, Meanings, and Multimodality (SIG #110) be added to your AERA membership.

Membership Dues

  • One-year faculty: $7.00
  • One-year student: $5.00