


Since 2004, the Critical Issues in Curriculum and Cultural Studies SIG is pleased to bestow two awards annually, the Graduate Student Award and the Early Career Award.  

Graduate Student Award Recipients

This award is given to the graduate student who has written a paper of provocative thought as part of their graduate studies. Graduate student applicants should submit the paper and a letter of nomination from a member of the SIG to the committee for consideration. The current awards committee will select the paper with the most promise for contributing to the critical examination of curriculum and curriculum scholarship. 

2020 Tara Schwitzman

2019 Lei Zheng

2009 Debbie Sonu

2008  Kathleen Vaughan and Xyanthe Neider 

Early Career Award Recipients

This award is given to the scholar who best demonstrates a consistent commitment to the critical study of curriculum and cultural studies scholarship, as represented in submitted materials. Scholars may nominate themselves or another scholar. To be considered for the award, submit a curriculum vitae and three papers or articles that have either been published or presented at a professional conference. 

2020 Jeanne Dyches and Gabriel Huddleston

2019 Jacquelyn Chappel and Hannah Spector

2017 Seungho Moon

2010 Pauline Sameshima

2009 Stephanie Springay

2008  Brian Schultz

2007 Ugena Whitlock

2006  Rob Helfenbein and Karen Ferneding

2005  Carol Mutch

2004  Lisa Cary and Greg Dimitriadis