Announcements & Newsletter

Call for Publication

The AERA Special Interest Group 11: Reading and Literacy (SIG 11) is seeking your contributions to our 2023 newsletters. We invite members to introduce their own scholarly contributions, conference announcements, or any research that will enrich our SIG community. We hope, by providing this space, we can be academically nurtured and socially bonded together. 

Guidelines For Contributions

All writing articles must be submitted in Word format with a title. Graphic items such as photos or images or links (URLs) are encouraged. The submitted document should include APA-style reference page list and an abstract that introduce to audience a glimpse of what the work is about. 

Note: By submitting a contribution to our Newsletter, you are agreeing that the content submitted will be publicly available. Minor editorial changes or design formatting to fit the overall content and style will be made. 

Please send submissions to Mitzi Berryhill