Outstanding Publication Award

Submission Requirements

1. The paper to be considered:

a.  For journal articles, one copy clearly indicating the journal in which it was published; issue number and date.

b.  For chapters, one copy clearly indicating the title of the volume in which it was published; book editors; publishers; place of paper; ISBN number; date of publication

2. Nominator: Name and contact information for person submitting the nomination.

3. Complete citation of the author(s) and the paper nominated using APA format.

4. Name and contact information of the first author.

5. A statement about what, in your opinion, makes this paper outstanding. The contribution that this paper has made or you anticipate that it will make to the literature in the field of graduate education; its theoretical significance; the contribution this paper has made to improving practice or to understanding practice. The statement should be no longer than 250 words and also submitted in a PDF format with your name and email in the header.

6. Papers and chapters must be submitted electronically in a PDF format.