Outstanding Publication Award

About the Outstanding Publication Award

This award is presented on a bi-annual basis. The purpose of this award is to bestow recognition on a colleague or colleagues for a specific publication (book, book chapter, or journal article) judged as making a substantial contribution to the literature and/or practice of graduate education. Publications may have more than one author. A substantial contribution is defined as a scholarship that extensively revises our knowledge and understanding of a particular problem in the study of graduate education or looks at it in a new way. It may also be an interdisciplinary effort that identifies a problem new to the community of scholars in higher education.

The awardee(s) will be notified by the second week of March and will be invited to present their work at the AERA annual meeting. The name(s) of the awardee(s) will be formally announced at the “Doctoral Education across the Disciplines” (SIG 168) Annual Business meeting. They will also be presented a plaque in honor of the award. Recipients are strongly encouraged to attend the annual meeting to receive the award and present their paper to the “Doctoral Education across the Disciplines” (SIG 168) members.

Outstanding Publication Award Winners

2023 DeAngelo, L., Schuster, M. T., & Lachaud, Q. A. (2021). The faculty role in grooming and gatekeeping students' of color potential along the professoriate pipeline. The Review of Higher Education, 44(4), 493-521.

2021 Jeong, S., Litson, K., Blaney, J., & Feldon, D. F. (2020). Shifting gears: Characteristics and consequences of latent class transitions in doctoral socialization.  Research in Higher Education, 61, 1027-1053

2019 Sverdlik, A., Hall, N., McAlpine, L., & Hubbard, K. (2018). The PhD experience: A vreview of the factors influencing doctoral students’ completion, achievement, and well-being. International Journal of Doctoral Studies, 13, 361-388.

Jaeger, A. J., & Dinin, A. J. (Eds.). (2017). The postdoc landscape: The invisible scholars. Academic Press.

2015 Rockinson-Szapiw, A. J., & Spaulding, L. S. (2014). Navigating the doctoral journey: A handbook for strategies of success. Rowman & Littlefield.

Feldon, D. F., Maher, M. A., Hurst, M., & Timmerman, B. (2015). Faculty mentors’, graduate students’, and performance-based assessments of students’ research skill development. American Educational Research Journal, 52(2), 334-370. https://doi.org/10.3102/0002831214549449

Nerad, M., & Evans, B. (Eds.). (2014). Globalization and its impacts on the quality of PhD education: Forces and forms in doctoral education worldwide. Springer.

2013 Feldon, D. F., Peugh, J., Timmerman, B., Maher, M. Hurst, M. Strickland, D., Gilmore, J., & Stiegelmeyer, C. (2011). Graduate students’ teaching experiences improve their methodological research skills, Science, 333(6045), 1037-1039.