Meetings & Other Events

AERA 2023

SIG Call for AERA 2023 Proposals

The Educational Change SIG conceptualizes educational change broadly. The EdChange SIG is open to papers that use various frameworks from across disciplines (e.g., organizational behavior, organizational theory, institutional theory, adult learning and development, critical analysis etc.) and methods (qualitative, quantitative, and mixed). We are also open to papers that focus on theoretical discussions in the field of educational change. With that said, the SIG is particularly interested in research situated in practice and facilitates opportunities to elevate the work of educators, community members, and others and their role in improvement and change. Critical perspectives as well as work that centers diversity, equity, and inclusion in the US and internationally are also of great interest. 

Consider submitting your proposals to the Educational Change SIG when you submit to AERA 2023. Click here for information on submission. We look forward to learning about your work!