2017 Annual Meeting
Business Meeting 2017: A Word of Thanks
Thank you to all who attended our business meeting - we had 100 people in the room! We thank Dr. Dennis Shirley and the
Journal of Educational Change for sponsoring the lovely reception (with live music!). We also thank Dr. Carol Campbell for her keynote address and Dr. Alma Harris for her discussant remarks. We networked, learned together, and several lucky members walked away with prizes (our SIG tote bags - thank you Osnat - and members' donated books). We had a fun selfie challenge during the meeting too. To see the highlights, follow us on Twitter
Congratulations to Our 2017 Award Winners
Each year the SIG honors two award winners, an emerging scholar award, and a graduate student award (rotating between research and travel awards). We had strong candidates this year, and the winners are: Emerging Scholar Award - Dr. Jennie Weiner, Assistant Professor of Educational Leadership at the University of Connecticut; and, Graduate Student Research Award - Meixi, Doctoral Student, University of Washington.
Thank you to our Awards Committee on its service: Drs. Na Mi Bang (Univ. of Central Arkansas); Jeff Blacklock (Midwestern State Univ.), Alma Harris (Univ. of Bath), and Emily Klein (Montclair State Univ.).
70th Issue of Lead the Change Features Our Emerging Scholar Award Winner
As part of the SIG tradition, we are featuring our Emerging Scholar winner in the Lead the Change Series,
our 70th issueI
Thank You to Our Mentors
Thank you to this year's mentors: Drs. Allison Skerrett (Univ. of Texas), Thomas Hatch (Teachers College, Columbia University), Lea Hubbard (Univ. of San Diego), Patrick McQuillan (Boston College), and Pak Tee Ng (National Institute of Education, Singapore). We will send out an email in the Fall seeking mentors to participate in the 3rd year of our mentoring program to support both graduate students and early career scholars.
Thank You Corrie! Welcome Kristin! And... a Look Ahead to 2018 Program
We had a record-breaking number of submissions this year, and thank dozens of presenters, chairs, and discussants who held high-quality [and well-attended] sessions.
A very special thanks to our outgoing Program Chair, Dr. Corrie Stone-Johnson. We thank her for her exceptional service.
We welcome Dr. Kristin Kew, Assistant Professor at New Mexico State University, who will serve as our Program Chair through April 2018.
SIG Sessions at AERA2017
Round Table 1: Educational change and the work of teachers
Chair: Corrie Stone-Johnson – University at Buffalo-SUNY
Developing capacity for urban science education reform: The role of resource chains and constellations
Kathryn N. Hayes – California State University - East Bay; Christine Lee Bae – Virginia Commonwealth University; Dawn M. O’Connor – Alameda County Office of Education; Rachelle DiStefano – California State University - East Bay; Jeffrey C. Seitz California State University - Hayward
Reviewing and rating teacher preparation: Examining NCTQ’s reform initiative
Wen-Chia Claire Chang – Boston College; Molly Cummings Carney – Boston College; Megina Baker – Boston College / Harvard Graduate School of Education
Sustaining an innovation in STEM instruction through deep change: The case of PERC
Sarah M. Bonner – Hunter College - CUNY; Roberta Trachtman – Allenwood Company, LLC
Virtuoso at work: What schools and systems can learn from excellent teachers
James H. Nehring – University of Massachusetts - Lowell; Megin Charner-Laird – Salem State University; Stacy Agee Szczesiul – University of Massachusetts - Lowell
Symposium: Teachers leading education reform: The power and potential of professional learning communities
Chairs: Helen Janc Malone – Institute for Educational Leadership
Discussants: Christopher W. Day – University of Nottingham
Professional learning communities: Taking a contemporary view
Michelle Suzette Jones – University of Bath; Alma Harris – University of Bath
Taking the lead: Teachers leading educational reform through collaborative enquiry
Christopher James Chapman – University of Glasgow
Decentralization, localism, and the role of PLC’s in supporting school collaborations in Wales
Mark P. Hadfield – Cardiff University
Transitioning from PLC implementation to PLC sustainability: The pivotal role of district support
Dianne F. Olivier – University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Teacher-led professional collaboration and systemic capacity building: Developing communities of professional learners
Carol Campbell – OISE, University of Toronto; Ann Lieberman – Stanford University; Anna Yashkin – OISE, University of Toronto
Teachers leading educational reform through enquiry networks
Linda Kaser – Networks of Inquiry and Innovation; Judy Lindsay Halbert – University of British Colombia
Symposium: The emerging age of engagement, identity and well-being: New research findings from Ontario
Chair & Discussant: Alma Harris – University of Bath
Exploring the intersection of student identity and educational well-being
Mark D’Angelo – Boston College
Fostering professional engagement and well-being to ensure the success of all students
Shanee A. Wangia – Boston College
Attaining well-being through student voice: New directions in Ontario
Chris K. Bacon – Boston College
Emergent student engagement in Ontario school reform
Dennis Lynn Shirley – Boston College;
Andy Hargreaves – Boston College
Round Table 13: Educational change in classrooms, schools, and communities
Chair: Noni Mendoza-Reis – San José State University
How school context mediates the enactment of teacher beliefs in urban schools
Megin Charner-Laird – Salem State University; James H. Nehring – University of Massachusetts - Lowell; Stacy Agee Szczesiul – University of Massachusetts - Lowell
Mobilizing teachers as researchers to promote innovative classroom practice of implementing mathematical modeling in elementary grades
Jennifer M. Suh – George Mason University; Kathleen Ann Matson – George Mason University; Monique Apollon Williams – George Mason University; Spencer Jamieson – Fairfax County Public Schools; Padmanabhan Seshaiyer – George Mason University
The power of recess: Voices from one school’s “experiment” with additional with additional unstructured time for students
Brian Mascio – Harvard University
We are kind of at a pivotal point: Opt out’s vision for an ethic of care
Stephanie Schroeder – University of Florida; Elizabeth Currin – University of Florida; Todd McCardle – University of Florida
Paper Session: Learning across borders: International research on educational change
Chair & Discussant: Corrie Stone-Johnson – University at Buffalo-SUNY
Challenges and promises in developing a school-led system in England: The role of teaching school
Qing Gu – University of Nottingham; Simon Rea; Lindsey Smethem – University of Nottingham; Matt Varley –Nottingham Trent University; John Dunford; Pam M. Summons – University of Oxford
Innovating instruction: Systemic transformation at the school level
Ellen B. Meier – Teachers College, Columbia University; Dawn M. Horton – Teachers College, Columbia University; Seth A. McCall – Teachers College, Columbia University; Jessica Yusaitis Pike – Teachers College, Columbia University; Rita Sanchez – Teachers College, Columbia University; Alexandra Thomas – Teachers College, Columbia University; Caron M. Mineo – Teachers College, Columbia University
International learning communities: What can be learned across national boundaries?
Amelia Peterson – Harvard University; Jal David Mehta – Harvard University
Two steps forward, one step back: The successes and challenges of break-the-mold educational reform
Lea A. Hubbard – University of San Diego; Amanda L. Datnow – University of California, San Diego
Symposium: The past, present, and future of educational change
Chair & Discussant: Dennis Lynn Shirley – Boston College
Waves of education change: A review of the Journal Educational Change’s historical core
Juan Cristobal Garcia Huidobro – Boston College; Allison Nannemann – Boston College; Chris A. Bacon – Boston College; Katherine Thompson – Boston College
Tracing the development of internationalednews.com
Thomas C. Hatch – Teachers College, Columbia University; Deirdre Faughey – Teaches College, Columbia University
Lead the Change Series: An informal conversation within the field of educational change
Helen Janc Malone – Institute for Educational Leadership; Osnat Fellus – University of Ottawa
The future of educational change: Deep learning and social justice
Santiago Rincón Gallardo – OISE, University of Toronto
Round Table 23: Considering models for educational change
Chair: Helen Janc Malone – Institute for Educational Leadership
Education as a complex system: Implications for education research and policy
James A. Levin – University of California - San Diego; Michael J. Jacobson – The University of Sydney
Paradoxical Distance of Equal Opportunity from Freedom of Choice
AnNa Choi – Educator
Initial evidence for the utility of a multilevel assessment of a preschool’s readiness for change
Afton R. Kirk – University of Pittsburgh; Shannon Beth Wanless – University of Pittsburgh; Jennifer Briggs – University of Pittsburgh
Seven models of change and their applicability to educational reform: Perspectives from complexity theory
Matthijs Koopmans – Mercy College